Passenger leaves the aircraft, comes up to me and, with a rather helpless smile, shows me a piece of paper that says: "I am deaf, mute, and illiterate."
Me: ...... o_O
Biiig problem: How do I tell the lady to show me her boarding pass so I can actually determine where she has to go?
After a little while of me randomly moving my hands, she understands something is missing and produces all her travelling documents for me to pick out the right one.
LUCKILY, she is one of the passengers I'm supposed to take to their gate directly! I get her on the correct bus and make sure she doesn't leave the group until I hand her over to the gate staff.
But what if she had had to find the gate on her own?? How do I give someone directions when they cannot hear me and cannot read the signs? @_@ Whoaaa...