Nationals and thanks lists

Nov 02, 2011 00:01

it has been suggested to me i actually list the stuff involved in nationals so that next time i remember after rather than during and and thank the right people, even if i will forget some of them anyway.

Main venue st team - vignettes, setting, props and 'hosting' - last time covered by James 'absolute hero' Holloway one day with some Johanna juggling on the other and this time Clare 'Creative Control freak' Ravenwood .( Notably 'absolute Hero' has his hand in this too)

Assists this time go To Ryan 'Righteous' Gatehouseand Luke 'Sooo Pretty' McCarthy and Matt 'Too Tall Byrne'.

National plot arc team- multi event vignettes, plot arcs,away missions and mass battles proxies - last time Mr Matt 'kill em all' Keymer and this time the very same and his long standing partner in Crime Matt 'Twirly Moustache' Hope

Approvals updates/addendum rewrites courtesy of 'Too Tall' and Richard 'Emotional Smug' Hussey.

Custom rules approvals thanks to the unholy triumvirate of Jason 'Thor' Walter, Ryan 'Righteous' Gatehouse and Mark,'Too Smooth' Quennell.

Arc plotkits by Matt 'Pseudopod' Sanderson, 'Kill Em'all'and others.

And last fielding the couple of dozen a day prep scene requests, rules queries, complaints ,approvals, venue issue and last minute my character absolutely must do x's before the nation- 'Emotional Smug'.

And that's just the st side... all without going to the people who have been pulled in on any of the above groups like Tim ' The skillz' Edwards, James 'running the other three games too'Moody and all the people who are npc'ing , contributing props, making shit, bringing music etc..

oh and the list starts again for the mage side.

and for the c- chain who put up with all the bitching.

but those i'll do another day.

And for anyone who reads this.. i guess a preemptive thanks to all the people who put in hard work and do shit for the society that is usually stressful and thankless and tend to do it quietly and selflessly.

Because we know that the weekend will be busy as hell work for most of us and many will never get a moments thought of credit at the end.

I try and remember even if i don't say thanks enough when i'm tired of taking the flak or just busy with the next.

So thanks.
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