Iod Commentary and navel gazing.

May 17, 2010 23:16

For the record this is my own slant on a situation and i am not complaining about anyones actions

- as far as i am aware the method set out below is perfectly valid for what was done and the dc deserves thanks for running a process not complaint for the manner of it -

However i am finding myself again becoming disenfranchised with a specific aspect of the Iod experience - the necessity of email.

I signed up to play a Larp game.

Now i accept that this does mean that if i choose not to involve myself on lists i impair my ability to develope character interactions and may miss out on some plots. That is my choice and i do not complain about it.

I also accept that when i am st'ing it is reasonable forme to be involved in scenes and email st type stuff - its part of what i signed up for...(and actually on the quiet actually don't mind running or writing up proxy effects - it appeals to the closet wargamer in me.

However in this one instance i feel that my choice not to be a list bunny is effecting my capacity to participate in the society. Something that occaisonally makes me wonder what i'm doing commiting the amount of time to it.

I am on general and announce - also crone and cambridge - and various lost lists due to st reasons.

I am however not on the london or southwark lists - as i just restarted playing in those games over the last couple of months and honestly can do without being subbed to every list under the sun.

Now Craig mentioned he was stepping down a couple of months ago - and i was interested in possibly taking over as vst - because i felt like running in a venue with a higher bastard quotient than the lost ive been doing for the last two years.

I expressed my interest to the dc and also Craig- the issue coming that i found out recently that the election for the post was being run after being announced solely on the london and southwark lists and with email voting.

Now this means i was put forward for the post based upon my expressed interest without being aware that this had occurred - had no idea of the format of a vote i was involved in- nor of the people that would be voting and also find that the vote was thus by definition curtailed to those who are on said lists.

Now in this case i believe that the vote will be fair and also probably representative of those that can be bothered to vote by email- southwark is a small game so there may be a decent list presence.

But i find myself wondering at my involvement in a society where i blatantly no longer fit the expeftations of a player or an st.

It might just be that i'm getting too old for this:)
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