As of yet some of the trees have kept some of their leaves but soon we will all be scraping our car windows.
Maybe it's just me but winter seems to make everything harder.
Winter seems to make things worth more.
If you go out on a night when it's 20 degrees outside it's because you really wanted to.
You don't drive to work with the windows down, talking on your phone, blaring the radio, AND chewing gum.
You drive to work in a mini tank. Shut off from the rest of the world watching other commuters spin their tires, spin out, and try to make it up that hill.
There is something sad and beautiful about Michigan Winter.
That blanket covering the ground feels the same way your heavy comforter feels.
Winter carries weight.
When you look out the window you don't feel that you should be outside doing anything.
You sit perched like a house cat content just to be there.
Waking up in the winter does not involve your sweaty self sticking to anything, jumping up and rushing off to anything as quick as you can skip breakfast.
You just stick underneath that comforter staring out that window, really enjoying that brief time you have to your self.
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