Apr 07, 2005 22:27
so today was fucking awesome!...school was kinda boring but after i went with andy, courtney, jeff to eat some lunch, i didn't go to track i felt hella lazy:S...me and andy went and got lani from her house went tanning, went to her dads, the pet shop, eat, seen tony(L), the park, danced, r place, went to the park and seen lil kids play some tag shit, drank some wine, manuel at silver state, hot guys at hotel, pizza, home, yeah i dunno what else it was hella fun tho!!...yeah so my lip hurts!!..gosh it all hurts lanis doesn't but w/e!... ne ways it sucks i can't go on the track trip but h well i guess...yeah so we went and talked to manuel at silver state!!...oh man i love that kid...i think were all gonna hang out this weekend i hope!!..last weekend was fucking awesome...yeah well i think i'm gonna go to bed but i luv lani!!...see ya