
Dec 31, 2004 14:36

it's New Year's Eve... and tonight, i'm having a New Year's Eve party! I haven't had a party in a while, so this should be nice... the first one in the new place. I'm really just having some friends over and enjoying some drinks and good company, since I have to work the next morning going out really wasnt feasible... hopefully we will be finding out what our new schedules at work are going to be, the suspense is killing me! i really wanted the 4/10's but it doesn't look like that's going to happen... i swear, it wouldn't matter what shift i wanted, i wouldn't get it just because it's one that i want.

On another note.... i have really been enjoying the new pc and it was WELL worth the $$$$ that i spent to get it.... intel is soooo much better than AMD in my opinion, especially now that they can be overclocked! i love being able to install programs without having to worry about whether or not they will run they way they are supposed to on my pc!! this was an upgrade that i desparately needed... speaking of upgrading, the other thing i was thinking about is how i would REALLY like to start fixing up my car... i have been getting things done to it here and there but now im ready to actually fix her up and pimp out my ride....lol... a friend of mine GAVE me the front bumper from his old avenger so i will be slapping that baby on as soon as i get a chance, since it's just sitting on my front porch right now :) for pix, go here: http://www.geocities.com/shinma22/avenger.html oh how i would love to have my car repainted as I KNOW it really needs a paint job...but one thing at a time i suppose... important things first. well, all i can think of for now...will post more later...
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