Apr 07, 2004 10:33
so i just woke up and had a crazy dream that i became a vampire then the whole rest of the dream i was trying to figure out what my special power was because myself and 2 others were supossed to be fighting this warewolf thing..pretty crazy i know..
so nothing really new to report mom found out she has hypersomnia disorder.. basically she is tired all the time. it takes most people 12-15 mins to doze off mom is out in 30 secs to a min and a half... so kinda crazy plus she quits breathing 3 times and hour sometimes more so she is getting a machine that will put air into her lungs causeing her to breathe all the time.
i hacve been thinking about trying to get on with jb hunt. i am going to check out there line and see how they work if i can have pets and shits or if they have a local route and so on. i don't want to do over the road at all
well i got my letter yesterday i owe schneider 3500 bucks for training so i guess i'd better do something to use the damn schooling i got huh. although if i look at it in a brauder prospective that was cheep schooling. if i went to any other school it would have been like 5 grand plus they would not have paid me while i was there norput me up in a hotel for 2 weeks and paid fopr me to get to and from greenbay.
so easter is coming up shortly. i have really been thinkign about trying to find a church to go to around here. btu it will be tough living in the house with 3 agnostic people and my mom who is intersted in every culture's beleifes.
so i don't know...
well i'm off gina if you are reading this i love ya babe and hope the ants have not returned in the office.