Feb 18, 2004 23:26
Well the day was uneventful
I got out my recorder and played with it a bit, not the music kind the kind that you can record yourself talking into. I got one the other day I am determined to write a book. I have had the idea now for sometime and I think I am going to purse the matter with some effort. The biggest part will be the editing cause as any of you know, I can't spell nor half the time worry about punctuating my writing.
I am going to go jog hunting in the morn at least that is my intention I think I am going to go ahead and give Schneider my 2 week notice and I am going to go back to school I have decided this. I can't go through life just floating on the current it's time I grab a paddle and move...
I keep thinking of the 2 people in my life that I really look up to. Nikki and Gina.
These are 2 incredible strong women. Gina of course I’ve know it seems like since time has been kept and nick I have just meet not too long ago well about a year and a half ago although we have never meet face to face things have never worked out in our favor even though now after I move to Indy she is like 5 mines from my old house in IL. But anyway I look at their lives and they both are in school both striving to improve on what they have and I look at Gina especially my god the woman is truly the definition of strength and perseverance. She has had some thing happen in the past year that would have stopped me dead in my tracks yet she kept going she made it over the bumps and is still doing something with her life. And Nikki is just inspiring because I read her journal and realize I’m not the only one that has retarded prissy days. Only she is a girl so a lot of her problems are girly things
I am just really getting into my funk again where I can’t seem to be happy with what it is I am doing.
I have allot of pressure it seems like that I put on myself I want to make people happy but at the same time I don’t want to care about what they think but I do.
I also keep thinking about being alone that is truly my greatest fear I don’t like being alone. I can’t stand I get depressed really horribly bad. And I keep thinking I am never going to find the one person I should be with or hell even a person to be with in the mean time. And then I think well what if I do find this person what do I have to offer them.
I don’t know well I am getting off here I am going to make a purse yes I said it a purse I love to sew one of the little known facts about myself