The Left - In a Rage

Mar 23, 2006 23:12

“Dangerously Incompetent”, “Towel snap” and “Attacking the media” are the newest three among the many talking points being used against George Bush by the mainstream media.
It was only a matter of a minute or so before the press conference that finally allowed Helen Thomas to vent her anti-Bush spew became all about the media. The President blames the media for all his woes. Boo………..hoo!

Facts are silly things. They are truth. Facts being truth really galls the liberal press because they cannot hide their inaccuracies anymore. The more President Bush speaks of progress, the more media must generate negative reporting to prove him a liar. Facts say that 16 of Iraq’s 18 provinces are quiet and controlled. The mainstream media (MSM) knows this is true. That is why the MSM sits in the two provinces that are still full of enemy terrorists. They need to be where the bad news will be. If they fan out over the whole country and ask the appropriate questions of the populace they will find good news and good opinions of the President…….can’t have that now, can we?

Harry Reid gets more press than the President because he speaks against the President’s policies. Anyone who speaks against government is front page news. Those who support the President have little voice or support from the MSM.

Former President Carter can schmooze with Chavez, Castro and Hamas while speaking against the policies of his own country. The MSM looks bored and uncaring, preferring to write thousands of words about President Bush’s confrontation with “Madam (Hate-a-lot) Thomas and her co-conspirators in the White House Press (Corpse).

New Jersey’s new governor (former Democrat Senator) John Corzine finds “50-ways-to-raise-your-taxes” and he rates only a short paragraph on a back page of a local paper somewhere. I don’t know what New Jersey was thinking electing that boob governor. Raising taxes is what Corzine is all about. His Senatorial record was all about voting for personal salary increases and higher taxation for the masses to pay for it. New Jersey is now getting what it voted for.

George Bush ignores spending caps in an attempt to appease the leftist “spend-a-holics” and there is still not enough pork in the budget to salve the left. “Bush is cutting programs!” they yell.

Yes, there is a war against terror. There is also a war being waged for the hearts and minds of Americans. That war is a war fraught with propaganda. Sometimes that propaganda kills. Newsweek places an untrue story of flushed Korans in its pages that upsets the whole Muslim world and gets people killed….oops…..sorry.

The damage in the uncovering of the NSA terrorist surveillance program still hasn’t been assessed. The damage in diplomatic relations with the UAE hasn’t been fully estimated either. The MSM is fully complicit in painting these events in the worse possible light and they stand back, shrugging shoulders, exclaiming: “Who Me?”

And then I had the opportunity to watch the news this morning and the interviewer was asking a media expert why everyone thought the media was being so mean. The expert explained that the meanness would continue and that the media was “compensating for not having the right questions to ask”. That stuck with me. I don’t remember the guy’s name but he’d be easy to describe to a police sketch artist (gray hair, full gray beard, looking a lot like Santa,cough, cough...Coyote Blizzard.)

The media doesn’t know what questions to ask President Bush to make him look bad. Every time they ask him a question he has the answer. He has “his” answer. The media does not like his answers. They want to hear how the President plans to appease our enemies to keep them from hating us. They want to hear how many millions of dollars in humanitarian aid he will continue to throw at the stink-rot governments of North Korea and Syria and Iran to keep them from developing and distributing nuclear weapons. They want to know when he is going to close Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. They want to know when he will stop torturing all those poor Arabs he has lock up in all those secret prisons. They want to know when he is going down to New Orleans again and promise more money to Democrats that get nothing done while talking into the wind. They want to see the President sweat.

But facts are silly things. The economy grows. Jobs are created. All the leading economic indicators are steady. Employment is at greater than 95% nationwide even with all the recently “outsourced” jobs. You are not hearing that.

You hear of 2300 dead soldiers on a battlefield that could just as easily be New York City or Philadelphia or Detroit. You are not told of the 120,000 traffic deaths over that same three year period of war. You are not told of the 45,000 people killed in falls in America, or the 27, 000 that were poisoned or the 12,000 that were drowned over that same period of war. That is not to begin examination of the 16,000 annual murders in American streets. America has no perspective left concerning terrorism. The MSM has stripped much of the population of common sense and tried to give us all a common enemy; his name being George W. Bush.

My new enemy has the initials MSM.
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