Will The Real Great Satan Please Stand Up?

Mar 22, 2006 12:04

I’m getting a little tired of the mindless anti-Americanism that seems to exist all around the globe. The Europeans blame us for global warming and inciting Islamic terrorists. Liberals in Canada blame us for gun violence, global warming and inciting Islamic terrorists. And, liberals right here at home blame us for global warming and… did you guess ( Read more... )

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"You retarded fascist fuck..." anonymous March 22 2006, 18:05:20 UTC
Dear piercedjai
In response to your writing "I'm getting a little tired of the mindless anti-Americanism that seems to exist all around the globe," then here is a suggestion:

Give up being overly obsessed with the clump of land you stole from Natives a few hundred years ago, and then just maybe the rest of the world won't repeatedly point out what moronic arrogant fascists so many of you are. It's just a country for goodness sake, you are no better than anybody else, which everyone in the world but you realises. You seem to take such pride in helping to win WW2, yet you were destroying everything that you now symbolise; you are no better than Hitler and are a shame to the veterans of the war who fought to abolish fascism.

Personally, as an atheist I fail to see the logic behind their being a giant invisible man in the sky who sees everything I do, it's basically some kind of ancient '1984' combined with Lord Of The Rings: a made up fantasy in which everything is visible to a guy that people either hate or fear. Yes, because that seems entirely logical, right? Still, I count myself lucky to have studied several religions, and live amongst several Muslims who would be disgusted if they were to read your absurdly uneducated statements about their religion. You make some incredibly presumptive statements, and do no favour for the disastrous reputation your country has gained in the past few decades. Islam is a peaceful religion exploited by evil misguided men. I'm sure you would take quite the opposite stance if people were to presume the KKK (who claim to be Christianity) were representatives of all Christianity. Then again, judging by your ridiculously racist statements, perhaps not.

And you say that early Muslims were raiders? Well yes, some of them were. But does your failing education system not teach about Catholic Crusades and repeated invasion of Muslim land in times of peace? And the creation of the state of Israel which destroyed many Palestinian lives? Just it seems you failed to miss that bit, as Christianity has killed far more people than Islam in the last several hundred years. You retarded fascist fuck, you need to take a good long look at your life and what you stand for. And if you're Christian, you might want to see what the Bible teaches about equality... fucking hypocrite. You may reply if you wish, though I realise your blatant lack of intelligence or decent knowledge might prohibit this.



Re: "You retarded fascist fuck..." piercedjai March 22 2006, 18:08:15 UTC
If you regard your home as "just a country" then perhaps you should do some research and see if YOUR ancestors took from someone else the land upon which you presently stand. If so.... will you gladly give it back? There are no Native Americans in this context, by the way. Those to whom you refer migrated across the Bering strait when it was still covered in ice. In proper context, there are millions of Native Americans. All you have to do to be a Native American is be born in America. Duh.

Destroying everything we symbolize? How? Because we have retaliated against an attack that killed more people than the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor? Because we choose to preempt further attacks by taking the fight to the enemy's home turf? Because we actively seek to discover their intentions BEFORE another attack? What would YOU do in our place? Would you just lay down and let it happen?

I won't address your comments regarding atheism. I have a number of atheist friends, one of whom occasionally posts at my site. We've long ago worn out all of the arguments for and against the existence of a Higher Power and I feel no need to rehash them with you. If you are so myopic that you believe the wonders all about you are some sort of cosmic accident, then that's your prerogative.

Peaceful Muslims.... Of course there are peaceful Muslims. Had you been paying attention you might have noticed that my article referred to RADICAL Islam, not Islam as a whole. It does so repeatedly. The teachings of Islam however, both in scripture and by many modern-day clerics, include violent acts against non-believers. So does the Christian Old Testament, for that matter. If I subscribed to a hard line fundamentalist view of Christianity, I'd have no choice but to go out and start murdering homosexuals. Since that'd include a couple of good friends, I'll have to pass.

The KKK claims for the most part to be made up of Christians. This frankly baffles me. The last time I checked, the Bible still states that God is not a respecter of persons. In other words, we're all the same in God's eyes regardless of skin color. Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't have a robe and hood hanging in the closet of my mobile home next to the deer rifle.

As to the Crusades, you'll find good and bad on both sides of any conflict. One cannot justify attacking peaceful people under any circumstances. That does not negate the fact that from the time of Mohammed, Muslim raiders attacked peaceful people all over the Old World. Should the Europeans have just sat back and allowed themselves to be enslaved? What would YOU have done? The first four Crusades were largely efforts to thwart Muslims who were even then attempting to spread Islam through violence. Was there corruption on the part of the Crusaders? Yes, there was. But that does not alter the fact of the unfortunate necessity of the Crusades.

As to your final paragraph... You do little to enhance your credibility with childish insults and vulgarity. When faced with a lack of facts to back up your argument, perhaps it's best to simply leave it alone or at least do proper research before you begin hammering your keyboard with diatribes such as this.

Calling me a fascist, for example - where does this notion come from? Am I a fascist simply because I point out extremism when I see it? Is it necessary for me to bash Christianity BEFORE I write about Muslim extremists? Christians are not the ones blowing up pizza parlors full of school children in Jerusalem. Christians didn't destroy the WTC in 2001. Christians didn't attack the Achille Lauro or the USS Cole. Christians aren't beheading people on video tape. Neither are Buddhists or Wiccans or anyone else that I'm aware of. Please do feel free to point out any present day non-Muslim beheadings you happen to find. Continued below...


Re: "You retarded fascist fuck..." Contiued piercedjai March 22 2006, 18:08:50 UTC
And lastly, why do people like you find it necessary to reach centuries into the past to point out the atrocities of ancient, Old Testament Christians? I'm aware of what happened back then. The world was a primitive and barbaric place. Oh wait! Didn't I just do the same thing?! Perhaps you simply missed a few key differences...

1- Muslim extremists are behaving pretty much the same way now as they did in centuries past (which is why I did the historical comparison). Christians, Buddhists, Wiccans and other faiths almost all seek peace through the simple act of being good neighbors. You know as well as I that a large percentage of Islam does not support this ideal and in fact seeks world conquest. If your country (whichever one it is) is really "just a country" then perhaps we can just give them yours? I'm sure you won't mind at all.

2- In America, it's okay to practice ANY religion you wish, as long as you do not violate the rights of others. In other words, human sacrifice would be a large no-no. Religious freedom is and shall remain a key part of our culture. That includes freedom FROM religion for folks like yourself.

3- It's not unusual for Muslim countries to arrest or even execute Christians simply for the fact of being Christian. In other words, they're quite willing to accept the freedom of religion guaranteed under our Constitution. But they're not willing to reciprocate. I'll let you puzzle through the implications of that little tidbit on your own.


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