Does this sound like someone you know? “So there I was - my checking account overdrawn, my credit cards maxed out, and all my monthly bills were coming due. I didn’t have any money to pay them because I’d already blown it elsewhere. No problem! I just went out and borrowed some money and paid everything for the month. It was so easy, I think I may
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However, taking an innocent life should not be a "career decision" or done for economic reasons. Life begins at the very instant of conception, and that life deserves the same respect as mine or yours.
Here's something to consider -
Within the next few years we'll see medical technology advance to the point that a pregnancy can be aborted at virtually any stage without a threat to the life or health of the child. At that point, will the pro-abortion types finally turn honest and demand that women should have the right to KILL their unborn children?
It's a point worth pondering.
Secondly, Civil Rights for Gays....let me remind you of all the civil rights that we have...civil rights are freedom of speech, press, assembly, the right to vote, freedom from involuntary servitude, and the right to equality in public places. These are "Civil Rights" that we all share, there are no "Straight Rights","White Rights", or even "Black Rights". Yes sometimes there are injustices in certain cases, but I will not apologize for them. We are all "Profilers" to one degree or another. We do it for our own reasons whatever they may be. To put it in present day terms, if I was asked by you if I was "gay", I would know a couple of things...
1. For some reason you have tried to categorize me as being "gay".
2. For some reason that has brought that question foward, whether it be from curiosity, excitemnet, I don't know.
3. I could go as far as being offend by this, Call up the ACLU and have a discriminatory lawsuit placed againest if I was offended by your comment. Remember the ACLU, the group that only support frivilious lawsuits.
Thanks for reading my work and taking time to write.
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