Quiz stolen from Angela :)

Aug 09, 2004 14:23

Cheated on someone? Nope, nor would I ever :-X *cough*
Fallen off the bed? Oh plenty of times...lol everytime Im talking to someone in my room I usually fall off the bed lol
Fallen for a relative? insest is best...hmm maybe kuhn :-P jk
Broke someone's heart? Yes...but not intentionally...and I still care/talk to them
Had your heart broken? Plenty of times, but I guess thats the way things are these days
Had a dream come true? I always have dreams ill meet a great boyfriend, and itll come true for awhile...then go down the shitter lol
Done something you regret? I regret ever trusting or caring about my father...but ive learned a lot, so I guess as angela says, you really shouldn't regret anything
Cheated on a test? I used to all the time in Sitarskis class and he wouldnt even care (amber and Jen)

Wearing? tank top baggy pants...cuz i just woke up lol
Listening to? walked right out of heaven by jagged edge
Located? at my house sitting in front of my damn computer wondering why istarted this lol
Chatting with? derek...but i put an away message up to do this otherwise id be distracted
Watching? porno i mean woah wat (lol katy *drools)
Should REALLY be doing? cleanin my room, taking a shower...gettin dressed just 2 lazy

Brush your teeth? eww of course! If you dont thats fucking nasty... especially if you have someone to kiss...I try to at least 2 times a day
Like anybody? unfortunately....:-P (Melissa we are SO in the same boat...can we just drown ourselves? lol)
Have any piercings? 13 earrings, labret, nose, bellybutton, and i can still put my eyebrow ring in...but i used to have 2 other eyebrow rings, lip, and monroe
Drive? Whenever im not with katy lol
Drink? Well duh...its the cool thing to do...speaking of which melissa u can have my other smirnoff in ur fridge if anyone hasnt taken it yet
Smoke? Nope, I would never, but I get enough second hand smoke (Thanks guys!)
Got a cellphone? Yep (1-508-930-5786) Gimme a buzz...text... or anything lol just put me in ur phone BECUZ I WANNA BE SPECIAL FOR ONCE!
Got a pager? no....Id get too confused

Hugged? Katy it was hott
Kissed? Matt.......(innocent)
IMed? DEREK dumb bitch lol
Talked to on the phone? Derek...becuz the fucker decided to call me 2 seconds after i woke up
Yelled at? lol probably derek just joking around
Fell in love with? Definetly didnt fall in love with...but def miss mike

What do you want to be when you grow up? Graphic design artist...or cartoonist...or Id love to be a choreographer..but im 2 fat lol
What has been the best day of your life? realizing that im a good friend, and I really do have people who care about me
What comes first in your life? family, friends, pets, me
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? *sigh*
Did you lose someone you really loved? as a person and a friend ya
How many times have you fallen deeply in love? You know you love someone, when you can still love them for their mistakes, for them just being a person, and for them just being in your life
How can you measure that? ^~~~
Love your family? Some....haha tail gating my father haha
Love your friends? Yes, event he ones I dont see as much

Movie: There are WAY too many to list...what about ones ive made? lol
Song: The reason by Hoobastank (sry Katy..)
Store: Rue 21
Relative: lol umm idk
Sport to watch: baseball and football
Ice Cream Flavor: vanilla...Im not a real big fan of icecream besides mcflurries (reeses) and vanilla shakes
Fruit: apples
Candy: Fast breaks...its my energy bar
Holiday: Halloween...fucking rox angela...I love dressing up hehe
Day of the Week: Saturday, u can build up for it friday, and just relax sunday
Time: 7ish...theni can work my energy up
Color: blue...me and angela have a lot more in common than it hought hehe
Name for a Girl: Destiny-Ann
Name for a Boy: Christian, Dominiq (idk how ud spell it)
Quote: Its better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for who you are not

Like to give hugs? Im one of the hug queens, even if I hate you ill give u a hug!
Like to give kisses? God yes... just an innocent peck satisfies me (:-P)
Like to walk in the rain? Yea its so much fun...unless its really cold
Prefer black or blue pens? black, then I do little doodles with them
Like to travel? Yes!! Im goin to Maine with derek this weekend yay!
Sleep on your side, tummy or back? All...I toss and turn
Think you're attractive? Nope, sometimes I get real angry about it too
Have a goldfish? yes named Jackie, everyone else died lol
Ever have the falling dream? Yep, then I wake up like im drugged up lol
Have stuffed animals? Some yes :)

Abortion: I dont really have an oppinion on it...its up to the person who wants it
Bill Clinton: Totally liked him better than fuck tard
Smoking: I despise it but cant get around it
Eating Disorders: I see a girl...whos totally gorgeous and totally skinny...who comes in to my work everytime i work...and buys laxative pills...it really hurts me to see that, I hate the way I look but I dont think Id go that low, plus ive dealt with 2 friends having it, and it changed their mind and who they are...it makes me want to cry
Summer: Ive ha done of the best summers of my life....melissas, hanging with the crew at cumbies, mds parkin lot, the comoon, got to see boris (miss u hun), chillen, hanging, and driving around with katy, goin crazy with derek, goin to the zoo, goin to maine, and just overall hanging with many many people
Tattoos: Ive got 2...getting a 3rd around my 18th bday :)
Piercings: Love them, miss them, but were a pain to meet parents, grown ups, and very hard for work
Make-up: haha I love it...cuz I cover my nasty face

Pierced nose or tongue? Nose (ive got that done)
MTV or BET? MTV...just my music type
7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? 7th Heaven
Sugar or salt? Sugar (sweet!!!)
Silver or gold? Silver! ok...ive had the same answers as angela im not copying you lol
Chocolate or flowers? chocolate cuz im a fat kid lol
Color or Black-and-white photos? black and white bring more emotion to it...but color brings out the bounciness in it (i work in one hour lol) so if u want pics developed come to my work...brooks pharmacy...in mansfield..i wont tell neone wats on ur pics lol
M&M's or Skittles? Skittles....yum yum
Stay up late or sleep in? Stay up late....its so much better at night
Hot or cold? Hot...like how I prefer summer
Sun or moon? moon...i love the night
Left or Right? right
10 Acquaintances or one best friend? One best friend :)
Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup...haha amber
Spring or Fall? Fall...its my bday time hehe
Happy or sad? I think everyone would rather be happy than sad lol dont get me wrong...if u do..
Wonder or amazement? Amazement
McDonald's or Burger King? BK...mcdonalds fries are soggyish lol
Mexican or Italian food? italian...its all I eat lol
Lights on or off? lights off...I like it mysterious
Candy or soda? candy
Pepsi or Coke? coke

Derek Melissa and Katy I had so much fun at the zoo

Ive got to go pee on myself...cuz im too lazy to move (monkeys!) lol

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