
May 25, 2007 05:07

The following is my collective notes on Marijuana and thing's concerning.

_Toker Notes:

::_Medical Uses_::

-Appetite stimulation. (For AIDS pateints).
-Relieving spasms from multiple sclerosis.
-Reducing nausea from cancer chemotherapy.
-Chronic pain.
-Sickle-cell anemia.
-Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.
-Nail-patella syndrome.
-Used in traditional cultures for analgesia, insomia and child birth.
-Queen victoria used tincture of cannabis to relieve her menstrual cramps.
-Cannabis came to the west 1842 by Irish Doc. William O'Shaughnessy. Observed use in India.
-19th century movement in west from botanical to pharmasutical drugs, due to the lack of consistancy in result of use of botanical drugs.
-1990 two cannabis synthetic based drugs popped up in pharmesuticals.
*Marinol (A.K.A. Dronabinol).
THC dissolved in Sesame oil.
Used for AIDS, Chemo pain and Migrains.
*Rarely used Nabilone
THC analogue.

::"Pot can be a portal- no cure, but solace in the face of death." - Valerie Corral
Wo/Mens Alliance for
Medical Marijuana.::

-Sativa strains better for Neuro conditions; MS and epilepsy, indicas better for pain. Both are good for controlling nausea.
-Indica strains at club did not have more CBD than the sativas.

Naturally occuring cannabinoids in brain, anandamide.

-2003 Italian study showed CBD inhibited growth of brain-tumor cells.

_Cannabis & the Brain:
-THC from smoked marijuana reaches the brain almost instantly.
-Amount of THC in the brain needed to get high:
-Less than 100 micrograms. About 20-80.
-2nd Cannabinoid in brain= 2 arachidonylglycerol (2-AG).
-Helps with stress by managing the nervous system.
-Works as a filter for the memory.
-Selects what to retain instead of being inundated by a tidal wave of sensory information.
-Theory: May help people forget traumatic experiences.
-Helps blood pressure.
-Affects memory, doesnt erase memorys already stored.

::_Cannabis Species_::

-Purple Kush is an indica strain decended from plants grown in Afghanistans Hindu Kush mountains.

_Cannabis Sativa:
-Clasified by Swedish taxonimist Carolus Linnaeus, 1753
-Largest of three categorys. 5-18ft at maturity.
-Loosely spaced branches.
-Grows best for marijuana in tropical regions, (Mexico, Colombia, Jamaica, Africa and Thialand).
-Grown for hemp in temperate zones of Europe and North America.
-Makes you feel creative, hyper, active, more social.

_Cannabis Indica:
-Classified by French biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck in 1783.
-Much shorter, usually only 3-4ft tall.
-Denser branches.
-Native to Mid East and Asia. Primarily Afghanistan and Pakistan, traditionally grown for hashish.
-Grows faster with smaller plants and bigger buds.
-Flower reliably when placed in at least 12 hours of cont. darkness each night, whether from

the autumnal Equinox or indoor grower turning off the lights.
-Makes you feel heavy, lethargic, sleepy. More of the deep thinking mood.

_Cannabis Ruderalis:
-Classified by Soviet botanists, 1924.
-Grows in Russia and Eastern Europe.
-1-2ft tall at maturity, weedy.
-Few if any branches.
-Almost no THC.
-Difficult to breed reliably and sustain potency.

_Mexican Jamaican, Colombian Seeds:
-Tropical Sativas love intense sunlight and long growing seasons.
-Equatorial Colombian=7-8mo.

-Skunk#1=75% Sativa.

::Hemp Fact::
1 acre of hemp makes as much paper as 4 acres of tree's.

-Afghani strains better for climate, shorter easier to conceal.

_Northern Lights::
-Northwestern indica.
-Usually grown as Northern Lights#5
-A 1/8 Thai cross.

-1970's Cali strain.
-Mix of Colombian, Mexican, Thai and South Indian Sativas.
-Due to long growing season, usually used in hybrids, such as:
-Jack Herer, a sativa-indica blend.
50% Haze
3/8 Northern Lights#5
1/8 Skunk.

-Mostly indica, Afghani crossed with Thai and Mexican Gold sativas.

-2/3 sativa from colombian, Thai, Mexican, and Afghani.
-Sativa high
-Heavy yield for 9-10 weeks of flowering.

_The "F1" Hybrid::
-First offspring of two different plants.
-Often display "Hybrid Vigor".
-Strength gained from a fresh combo of traits.
-Hard to keep stable in the "F2" and following generations.

-Breeders will "back cross" plants with their ancestors in order to produce a "true-breeding" strain.

With reletively consistant charistics.

A strain inbred enough to be consistant, but not so inbred that it amplifies defects.

-B.C. Colombia= "Over Chemy indoor no-love weed."
-South Africa and Malawi are also emerging as sources. Temperate Zone sativas have a short growing season.

-Look for strain "911" from Michigan.
-Shishkaberry=Grown in Detroit.

::_Growing Methods:

-Seeds need to be 1/4 to 1/2 inch. deep. (In soil).
-Place seeds in wet paper towel or cheese cloth.
-Sprout 2-7 days.
-Plant as soon as root emerges from seed.

-Acctive shoot 4-6 inch. long.
-Cut diagonally with sterile scissors.
-Roothing hormone gives the cutting a good start before planting.

-Small pots ok at first, will need to be transplanted before roots get too big.
-Soil that grows corn or aalfalfa will be good for marijuana.
-Runts should be culled, don't over crowd plants.

_Indoor VS. Outdoor:
-Growing outdoors:
-Less technology.
-Plants grow larger outdoors.
-However, less control, Example:
-You cant force flowering.
-Garden could be eaten by nature.
-Stolen by sleazy stoners.
-Growing Indoors:
-More work, but garden is secure.
-Several crops can be grown a year.
-Sophisicated indoor gardens have two rooms:
-One for vegetative stage.
-One for flowering.
-With seperate lights to allow for different light cycles.
-Rooms can be as small as upper andlower chambers in a closet.

_"Sea of Green":
-Indoor growing technique.
-Growing a large number of small plants, to get biggest yield out of a minuscule space.
-Flowering forced at 6-8 inch. tall.
-Only 3-4ft at harvest.

_Hydroponics VS. Soil:

-Plants rooted in a nuetral medium such as rockwool or coconut fiber.
-Roots bathed in a liquid nutrient solution.
-By dripping or "ebb and flow".
-Periodic flooding and draining.
--Hydroponically grown grow faster but a crop can be taken out by equipment failure, hence more expensive.

-Growing in soil is easier.
-More forgiving.

-High intensity discharge lights:
-Metal Halide.
-High-pressure Sodium Bulbs. (Some prefer for flowering these lights for flowering).
-Both produce a lot of heat.
-Needs good ventalation.
-Explode when they are hot and touched by water.
-Use a lot of electricity.
-Plants need to be as close as possible with out burning.
-Plants 4ft away from bulb will get less than 1/10 as much light as plants 1ft away.
-Most growers use reflector hoods and paint growing room(s) white.

::Rule of thumb (indoor gardening)::
-Garden should produce 1/2 gram of bud for every watt of light every 30 day's.
-1,000 watt of light = 1lb/mo.

_Vegetative stage:
-Stage between seeding and flowering.
-When the plant produces leaves.
-Healthy growth 1/2-2inch. daily.
-V-stage 3-5mo outdoor sativas.
-Shorter for indoor indicas.
-In V-stage plants need basic nutrients:
-Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium. (N-P-K).
-Especially Nitrogen.
-Need lesser amounts of:
-Trace amounts of:
-Grow faster with more light.
-More than 18 hrs of light a day=overkill.

-Anything from commercial gardening to natural resources.
-Don't over fertalize.
-Organic fertalizing=better taste.

-White flys.
-Dense buds beware botrytis and gray bud mold.
-Keep area clean.
-Avoid pesticides.

-Grwoing from seeds is essential to cull Male plants to get sinsemilla.
-Sooner done less likely for them to pollinate the Females.
-Female Plants:
-More compact.
-Male Plants:
-More elongated.

-Appear 1-2 weeks before budding begins.
-Look like minuscule bunches of bannanas.
-First appear as a single green spur tapering to a point.
-Grow pair of white pistols.
-Most domestically cultivated varieties, especially indicas, need 12hrs a day of uninterupted darkness to flower.
-Indoors its determind by lighting. Can be forced.
-Once flowering begins, it takes 6 1/2-10 weeks for buds to usually mature.
-To avoid chemical tastes in the smoke:
-Stop Fertalizing and water heavy two weeks pre-harvest.

_Seedless Wonder: The Sinsemilla Story:
-Sinsemilla came from the Spanish word for Seedless.
-Without the Male part of plants and no other source of pollination, Female plants will grow bigger buds and secreting more Resin, Making the pot more potent.

-Comes in 3 types:
-Bulbous Glandular.
-Capitate-Sessile Glandular.
-Capitate-Stalked Glandular (largest).
-These are the most responsible for producing Resin.
-To the naked eye they look like White Crystals.
-Without smoking Hash oil it's as close as you get to smoking pure THC.
-THC degrades when exposed to heat.
-Small amounts (smoked soon)=Dark dry place.
-Stash for a month=Refrigerate, preferably in sealed glass jars.
-More=Freezer, but don't take out often, to avoid moisture to outside of buds.


_When to harvest:
-Plants need to be harvested at peak potency.
-Determin by:
-Drying a sample in the oven, smoke it.
-Noting when pistils @ the bottom of bud turn brown faster than new ones are growing.
-Look at Capitate Stalked Resin Glands- Trichomes- with a 30x microscope. When Trichomes are fully developed, still transparent, slightly amber.
-Plants should be cut down, not pulled out.
-Extra leaves trimmed off buds.
-Hang buds 5-7 days before use.

_Drying & Curing:
-Take care not to damage Resin Glands when handling the buds.
-Hang upside down in a dark, dry place, warm and ventalated, enough to discourage mold.
-A little warmth will help Acid Cannabinoids lose a Carboxyl group and turn to THC.
-Too much heat will make THC degrade to CBN.
-Stems=dry enough to snap=ready to smoke.
-Store buds in glass jars or plastic bags for freezing.

::_Techniques, Effects, and Customs- Using Cannabis_::

-Joints, splifs and blunts.
-Bongs and pipes are more economic.
-Water bongs help filter smoke.

_Smoking Hash/no pipe:
-Heat two knives on stove, press together, hash in between knives, inhale smoke.
-Hash on a pin head, light, plae under jar to trap smoke.

::Most efficient way to smoke Hashish oil, in a pipe heated from the bottom::

-Heating pot precisely then inhaling at proper temp.
-THC vaporizes at a lower temp (356º-392ºF) than that at which plant matter combusts (446º-455ºF).
-Spares inhalance of smoke toxins.

-Grinder great for sticky buds.
-Pipes made out of cardboard tampon applicators. (??!!Who?)
-"Power Hitter":
-A plastic squeez bottle with roach clips attatched to the screw on mouth piece.
-When you squeeze the bottle it sends out a massive amount of smoke.

_Rolling the Basic Joint:
-Remove seeds and stems.
-Use one or two papers.
(Two= Lick one and stick the other on top, glue side up).
-Paper should be creased length wise.
(1/4-1/2 of the way from unglued edge).
-Too loose wont burn, canoe or be a fire hazord.
-Too tight and it wont draw.
-Glue strip farthest away pour herb into the crease of the V shaped paper.
-Roll paper up and down between thumb & forefinger, untill herb sits evenly.
-Unglued edge has to be rolled downard and tucked under to form a cylinder.
-Lick glued edge, roll joint gently.
-Twist ends to save for later.
(Otherwise a slight space is left at mouth end).

_Rolling a Blunt:
-Phillies & White Owl Cigars are best.
-After cigar is moistened, split open very carefully down the middle with a razor blade idealy where the lines meet.
-Remove tabacco gently.
(Outer part of leaf may also be peeled).
-Should be enough herb inside to leave 1/2 inch to seal it.
-Same steps to roll a joint, but more carefully.
-Honey may be used to seal blunt.

_Cannabis Etiquette & Customs:
-Three basic rules:
-Don't be rude.
-Share and share alike. (Don't mooch).
-Don't say or do anything that will get anyone arrested.
-Spiritual or religious users touch their forehead and heart after hitting the pipe.
-Touch heart=Love / energy.
-Touch head=Mental prayer / thanks for herb.
-If someone hooks you up with their dealer, specially if they make no profit, smoke with them or give them a few nugs.

::_The Law_::
-Three most common arguments for keeping Cannabis illegal:
-"The gateway" theory.
-Marijuana is more potent now.
(Fav of politicians who smoked in the 60's and 70's).
-Would send a message to children that it's ok to use drugs.
-Marijuana Prohibition in America started in the 1920's and 30's.
(As apart of the crusade against Blacks, Mexicans, and Jazz Musicians).

::Random Fact / Side Note::
-Less than 1% of pot smokers are involved with the legalization movement.
-Join NORML.
(Natuional Organization for the Reform of Mirijuana Laws).
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