the first lj update in a long time from me!

Sep 24, 2006 15:45

right. have not done one of these for a long time!!

thursday -
got round to buying caitlin r. kiernan's alabaster - a beautiful collection of short stories about one of her characters, dancy. very happy of it, tho i have already got two of the stories in other books.
also neil gaiman's fragile things arrived in the store, i so i got y copy of that! and i up to his usuall story telling skills. i is so happy with it, but is nearly run out already :(
went penny for a bit, but got bored due to sober ness
then went ti race course, where marq tried to teach me hand stands, cartwheels, and round offs. the first handstand i tried, i went flying and banged my bum and my head :( is sore bum now. but fun :D

friday -
jamie and i went out for a going away thing for a friend going to uni, then to L8 bar for cocktails, then penny for shots, where we picked up a karl before going down to grinder for rapture. o, so much alcohol. somewhere between openny and grinder i had a james jump on me and dislocate my shoulder.
so we danced around and made fools of ourselves at grinder and had many giggles. good night defintaely.

saturday -
breakfast with matt wheeler, bit of shopping, then bit of sleep
jumped on a train to london
got to liz and poppy's for poppy's bday. drank some, and talked to epoples and had much fun with all!
ended up int he park a couple of times so mcuh fun! climbing things and spinning round on things. no swings tho :(
practised my handstands and cartwheels much to peoples amusment.
climbed a tree :D was very proud of myself! then dismounted and landed badly and damaged my knee.

so i is sore and tired but i had a great weekend, so thank u all for the fun ness! u know who u all is! too tired to list u all, :P
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