Yo we rock

Jan 16, 2006 19:10

ITALIANPRIDE3149: chinen wings are the shit
FrailAudacity: yes. chiCKEn wings are the shit
ITALIANPRIDE3149: you know wat else is the shit
FrailAudacity: what?
ITALIANPRIDE3149: you stiffler you are the shit
FrailAudacity: no mike
FrailAudacity: YOu are the shit
FrailAudacity: you are a shittier shit then I.
FrailAudacity: You are the shittiest shit
FrailAudacity: that ever shat
ITALIANPRIDE3149: o no no your are deff shitter than me
FrailAudacity: alright, alright
FrailAudacity: im shitier
ITALIANPRIDE3149: yes lou you are the shittest
ITALIANPRIDE3149: lol we are deff the shittest kids in our school
FrailAudacity: oh by far
FrailAudacity: our shit doesnt even compare to other peoples shit
ITALIANPRIDE3149: no way were golden shit un like the rest of the brown shit that has its own table in the cafeteria
FrailAudacity: that order KFC at 8 oclock in the monrin
ITALIANPRIDE3149: lol are you kidding me
FrailAudacity: i kid you not.
FrailAudacity: what am i kidding about?
ITALIANPRIDE3149: why dont we get kfc in the morning so we can get it fresh
FrailAudacity: cuz we arnt black
FrailAudacity: like the other shits in our school
ITALIANPRIDE3149: wtf is kfc open at 8 in the fucking morning
FrailAudacity: idk, but black people get their chickenn
ITALIANPRIDE3149: shit the just might as well merge with 7/11 cuz they can get there luckys from the a rab at the conrner store and there chicken at the same time and fill up at the pump
FrailAudacity: but that would make them shittier then us
ITALIANPRIDE3149: no that would make kfc/7/11 chitter tahn us
FrailAudacity: alright i could live with that
FrailAudacity: so we are the shittiest
FrailAudacity: besides a kfc/7/11
ITALIANPRIDE3149: yes but in time we will rise and become the shittest in all the land
FrailAudacity: Amen.
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