
Apr 14, 2011 12:19

I'm on the brink of something big. But I'm stayed, as much by circumstances as by my own fear. This path-less-travelled business is tiresome.

I worry when I hear little children say they "hate". And are taught irrational fears of animals. By adults, nonetheless(!)

I'm increasingly appreciative of early-morning solitude. I get angry when the first thing I hear in the morning is a complaint or a grumble.

Just had a good laugh with Meera. Gone, baby, GONE!

There's a tukra dancing on my tongue. In jhaptAl.

I'm worried; have bruised my calcaneus. Need it to heel (he he!) quickly.

I still haven't named my three cacti. I want the family to grow. I'm wondering if they need more sun.

Still want to invest in a juicer. I miss the carrots and apples and ginger.

I make resolves not to but more books but fail them dismally. Now I want a second bookshelf but there's not the space for it in my room. Now reading 'The White Woman on the Green Bicycle' by Monique Roffey.

In an ongoing debate about Indian classical dance I've been wondering what part of tailored costumes is traditional. Or plastic flowers and leather-strap bells, for that matter.

Must finish packing.

I remember seeing 'kani' when I was about six. I wish my grandmother were still here.
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