Fanfiction: Battlefield.

Sep 26, 2013 12:16

Title: Battlefield 1/?
Fandom: Aliens & Billshido
Rating: 16+
Warnings: Aliens and horror scenes.
Relationships: None as of yet.
Word Count: 1591 (Short chapter is short, sorry)

Summary: It's 2012. The Lacandon Jungle, Mexico. Earth. Bushido and his team of special forces are on a classified mission to destroy a group of Xenomorphs that have invaded the jungle after an unidentified object crashed only twelve hours beforehand. Their mission was supposed to be simple - find the motherfuckers and kill them before they could reach civilization.

Death in Vegas - Soul Auctioneer.

The Lacandon Jungle, Mexico.

Only if you knew what you were listening for could you hear the light footfalls of the soldiers slipping through the trees. Sweaty hands gripped at their Bushmaster XM-15's, their boots silent as they stepped over vines and tree roots that littered the ground under their feet. They were ducked low, eyes pressed to the horizon, gazes only moving away to catch their commanders hand signals, following his directions and picking up the pace.

The jungle was eerily silent around them, the only sounds were their own hearts beating in their chests and the quick, concentrated puffs of breath as they moved in on their target.

"Hold your positions," the commander ordered quietly into his comm-piece, ducking down into a crouch and listening, his head ducked low. Licking his lips he reached for the dulled silver cross hanging at his neck, bringing it up and kissing it for luck, his dog tags rattling as it dropped back down. He caught his men's positions and motioned for them to look, pointing ahead, and they all stilled, looking ahead towards the dirt road they knew lay beyond the trees.

The crunch of tires on dirt reached their ears and they all slowly moved forwards, gaining on the target-or targets, they were one in the same.

Destroy the threat.

It was an old yellow bus that came around the corner, moving over the bumpy terrain towards its destination. Probably, most likely, coming from Tuxtla Gutierrez, the capital, and heading to one of the outlying cities beyond the jungle. The old bus was the only sound before suddenly there was a crash and the bus was spinning off the road, upturning, a huge creature clinging to the side of it, smashing its huge fist through the windows, trying to grab the people inside.

By this point, none of the soldiers tried to hide the sound of their footsteps, twigs and branches snapping under their boots as they rushed to the civilians' aid. The Xenomorph's hand dipped back inside again, lifting out a screaming teenager just as the group of fully armed men burst from the trees, weapons firing. The teenager was dropped carelessly to the road as the creature turned on the shooters, screaming in pain-the sound of it sending chills down everyones' spines.

"Get back," The commander yelled at the teenager on the ground, and pressed his lips together when the kid didn't move. He lifted his gun and aimed at the alien, trying to move it away from both the boy and the bus of civilians. When he was in reach of the body, he grabbed him up by the back of the shirt and yanked the heavy, unconscious kid to the side, looking up as another came out to take the boy from him and he shoved the kid at him before he was back on his feet and shooting at the monster dripping with its own green, acidic blood.

Finally the beast lay on the ground, motionless in a burning pool of its own blood. Giving it one last kick, the commander pulled the strap of his gun over his head and threw it to the man closest to him. "I want you all to survey the area, I don't want another one of them getting through. Kay, Shad, gimmie a hand will you?" he grunted as he headed over to the bus, looking down at the three dead bodies; an old lady, a middle aged white male and what seemed to be the bus driver were laying in a pool of blood and he nodded to another of his team. "Saad, get these bodies out of sight. Take some men with you and bury them," he instructed.

"Yes, Boss," Saad nodded seriously before him and two other guys started to drag the bodies away from the bus site, knowing the man wouldn't want any of the survivors to see the mess the single Xenomorph had managed to make-and that was just one, by itself-the boss still had to tell them that there were more, if he told them at all.

It was then that the commander led Shad and Kay to the bus, using the butt of Kay's gun to knock out all the shattered glass from the door, grabbing onto it and pulling himself up, helping the other two up and climbing down into the upturned bus, boots crunching on the broken glass below. He crouched down and his eyes swept over the scared people around him. "Anyone hurt?" he asked them seriously, lifting up a broken seat and moving it to the side before he was heading towards the back where they were all crowded, some tucked safely under seats and he couldn't help but smile, pleased to see that some of them thought with their heads.

It wouldn't have done much if the beast had got inside, though.

At first he didn't think anyone was going to answer, but it wasn't long before a woman sitting with two little girls-twins perhaps-nodded. "We're okay," she replied in English, though, he could tell it was a second language, if the thick accent was anything to go by. "I-It got the others," she said a little more quietly, pulling her daughters close, protectively.

"What was that fuckin' thing?!" a teenager-the same teenager that had pulled the other boy inside earlier-spoke up, holding the other male's head in his lap, the boy starting to wake up already-must have fainted.

The commander didn't speak at first, just looked at them all seriously. "We don't have time for that, there are sure to be more. I need you all to gather anything you might need, don't take anything that you can't carry through a jungle on a hot day."

"Who are you, anyway?" One of the older men spoke in Spanish.

"Bushido, and we're the only ones for miles, so... if you want to live, I'd get the fuck up and do as I say, without making too much noise," he told them gruffly and started motioning people forwards, taking their names before helping them up through the door and out of the bus.

The mother, Susan, with the two girls-twins-Alison and Audrey. Emmy and her son Joshua-the first man that had died had been her husband, Clive. Then there were the twins, Bill and Tom-apparently Bill was a model and 'should not be here at all.' Bushido had just chuckled and shoved him up and out through the doors, Tom going after. Then there were the brothers, Leroy and Markus-who had what looked like a broken wrist. He sent him to his medic-Eko-and then helped up a woman named Maria, who was also a nurse, which would most likely come in handy if things got too rough and Eko needed the extra hands.

It wasn't until a big black man named Dave told them that there was someone missing that Bushido cussed under his breath and went outside too, taking two of his men; Ari and Kay to look for the missing man before they ran out of time and had to leave. It didn't take them long to find the body, and Bushido just left him there-it would teach him for running and leaving innocent people to die and he spat down on the ground before heading back.

When he got back to the bus, his men had everyone round up and in one place, everyone looking around nervously at the trees surrounding them, as if they knew it would be impossible to spot them coming. And it would be, the fuckers were so fast and they were perfect predators. "Alright," he said as he walked closer, everyone turning to look at him. "We travel light, no high heels, no bags, just what you're wearing and any food and water that you can carry," he said and pointed to the pile of food off to the side-the men having gone through everyone's luggage to find supplies.

"Where will we go?" Emmy asked, her voice desperate, the woman clinging to her child as if one of the monsters would come and snap him right up-it probably would, too.

"For now? To the river, we have to mask our scents and get you all to safet-" Bushido started but he was interrupted by Saad whispering in his ear.

"What about our mission, Boss?"

"Our mission is to protect Earth and its people and that's what we'll do," Bushido ordered, and the man nodded, starting to hand out the rations. "Keep together and don't wander off," he said to everyone before he was leading them into the trees, his gun held high and his men protecting the civilians, everyone silent-for now.

xenomorphs, bushido, fanfiction, battlefield, tom kaulitz, aliens, bill kaulitz

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