Jun 08, 2007 11:54
I've made more observations. People who live on the left end of a hallway subsrcribe to newspapers more often than anyone else. Second to that come the people living on the right end of the hallway. Center people rarely subsrcibe to papers. I wonder what that implies. That people on the left are more cultured? That the other neighbours are in such good terms with them they onlöy order one paper per floor and circulate it, having an unwritten law about the person being the one at the left end (or maybe it's a written law and I just don't know about it)?
I also saw a hedgehog. They're not all run-over! (yet)
Also, starting to feel that I've been biking and running up and down stairs for 4 night in a row. Glad I don't have deliveries this weekend. I'll get to rest and clean. Today I at least remembered to take the energy drinks with me, so I won't be nodding off by 14 like yesterday. -.-"
Today I took work to work with me. >.>" I figured that since I'm too tired to work on those articles after work and as I have nothing to do here, I might as well use my time well. I've got a lot done already! A lot more than I'd do at home. So yay. ^^