The Handsome Daniel and I have different opinions about what comes into Doghouse 1, and we both brought too much. But one brought a lot more than the other.
As far as percentage of possessions, the dog brought almost everything she owned- two boxes of toys, her food, some treats, and her comb, nail clippers and dog dremel. But she owns the least.
I brought the next largest bunch of things. I moved about five years ago and got rid of most of my stuff then, but for this move, I culled without mercy. Every time I looked at the closet in Tiny, it got smaller and smaller, so I got rid of shoes and clothes and coats and you name it. I was ruthless, but I was so excited to be going tiny, it wasn't in the least bit painful. I got rid of a sentimental trumpet i'd been hanging on to for the wrong reasons, and I didn't regret it one bit. I would have regretted it just five years ago, so there's some growing I've done.
The stuff I want in Doghouse 1 is beautiful, space efficient, and functional. I didn't keep anything that I thought was kind of OK. If it wasn't an exemplary thingy, I got rid of it. If I need a thingy for that job in the future, I'll buy the best one the Amazons can sell me.
For those sentimental things that we didn't have room for? Well, we took a picture and got rid of them. A thing of two of the sentimentalist sort made it into Tiny, but Daniel's son's drawings and framed pictures and such are in storage.
Daniel gave away by far the largest percentage of his stuff, but he also brought the most stuff into Tiny. Also, he elected to keep stuff that I thought was baffling. Kitchen appliances we haven't used in a year? Oh, he wants to start using them again. This pot that makes more food than we can eat in a week, which doesn't fit in the fridge? He wants to keep it. Since my argument for getting rid of it was "ugh too much packing i'm going to bed," it all made the cut.
A lot of Daniel's stuff kinda snuck in the house because he didn't cull or pack his personal stuff (bathroom stuff and clothes and stuff) until the last minute. Once I find my camera, I'll take a picture of the closet because it'll be good for a laugh. It's packed with the Handsome Daniel's clothes. I've got one suit in there.
Most of the stuff we got rid of were duplicates or redundant. We had four coffee makers, for example, and used zero of them, since we cold-brew our coffee in mason jars. And the drill press we gave to Mark? Daniel never used it even once. We're glad to be rid of it, since most of that stuff was just stuff.
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