Jun 25, 2005 21:11
i only usually update live journal if im depressed or if im extreamly happy. its not like more than like 2 people read my jorunal anyways. like none of my friends have livejournal. but whatever who knows.i was supposed to go to the roller kingdom show tonight but my dad said no. and i got so pissed off cause i was gonna ask out nikki (I say that not thinking she even knows i have a livejournal). and cause brian was gonna go and hes goin away tomorrow for 3 weeks and he was gonna bring his cousin and brian barley knows any of my friends.but then i get a call from brian at 8:00 saying that him and lots of people got there and found out that there was no show. and it says on the roller kingdom website that there is. so like all that fighting with my dad and brian bitching at me for not goin was pointless.but ya....chelsea told me the other day that she wasnt over me. i was just like WTF! u broke up with me! she said im to insensitive when we broke up but i really dont think that was the reason.it had to be something else on her fault not mine. but w/e she flipped cause i told her i liked nikki and she was like well she is very lucky. but ya goin to the mall like later this week and ill probably ask her there. ya. i had joe and alex over. i love this new band joe got alot better at drums and alex is playing rythem giutar and he actually knows what hes doin. it sounds awesome.we just wrote a buch of our own stuff. really good punk stuff. now all we need is a singer and a bassist. mostly a singer though. i dunno who can play bass though. maybe dan my old drummer can play. he took up guitar like 5 months ago and if u can play guitar u can play bass. but i have no idea who can sing. i can scream but i cant scream while im playing guitar. and i can sing like ramones type stuff but i wanna have like an origanal sound. joe thinks he can sing but he really cant. i wish brian lived closer then i can make him sing. i dunno why he thinks hes bad. i think hes extreamly good. but w/e. nayana just showed up at my house like a half hour ago she walked from some party to my house. she asked me to go to the party but i didnt want to go to a brazallian party. me and nayana used to be like bestfriends i dunno what happend. oh well.......