Sometimes I wish a penny would fall from a plane and hit me on the head.

May 30, 2004 13:11

Well, for those of you who are wondering what my last post was about, this entry is for you. My parents randomly picked me up early from school last wednesday and said that we were having a therapy appointment because "things hadn't been going so well". Maybe things hadn't been going so well between me and them, but for me personally I thought things had been going great. I finally wasn't feeling depressed anymore, I was totally in love with my fabulous boyfriend, I was getting a car, I was also getting my license, and things seemed as if they had been mended between me and my two best friends. When we got to the "therapy" appointment, my dad announced that the reason we were there was because they thought I had still been doing drugs and I was doing poorly in two of my classes. While my parents were talking with the therapist alone, I read the Insight client handbook. I then realized that Insight wasnt fucking therapy, it was rehab. Then I read the worst part of it, not only was I going to be in rehab, I was going to have to give up all my old friends and break up with Sam.
Surprisingly, the friends part was easy. My friends basically agreed with my parents in saying that I have a problem, and said that if I couldn't see that then I definitely needed help. Needless to say, I told them to fuck off. After losing my friends, I now am expected to become best friends with the other females in my rehab group. They are going to be the only people I am allowed to see outside of school. They are alright and all, but come on... how the fuck can they replace two amazing relationships that I have involved myself in for the past 10 years? My mom also told Sam and his mom that I am not allowed to see him anymore and that he cannot even talk to me. I physically cannot do that though, but I'm not sure how we are going to stay together. It seems hopeless.
I hate my parents for doing this to me. They have ruined everything I have. At this point nothing matters anymore. Today after I see Sam alone for the last time, I am not going to get out of bed. I hope I fail all of my classes and get kicked out of school. I think I'm going to just smoke weed and cigarettes in my room all day long. I really don't give a shit anymore. Maybe I'm over reacting, but my parents have just taken away everything that matters to me and made me hate the stupid shit that doesn't matter. I have never felt this bad in my whole entire life, I feel sick.
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