They gave me the day off tomorrow, YAY!

Sep 12, 2009 20:51

Koi mermaid
Swishing away
Orange flashing
A sodden sashay.

I poured bleach in the claw-footer and watched in horror as it immediately turned the porcelain rust orange. I have no idea why this happened or what chemical reactions took place, but the filthy white tub is now a clean orange tub and this girl is not pleased. However, I have the entire mural fleshed out in my mind and the second base coat is on the wall (the bit that's not in my hair) so the seaweed can go on tomorrow. What better image to contemplate while taking a bath than a brightly colored merwoman silently swimming away to take your thoughts outward and beyond the petty misfortunes of today? And lo, I'm painting again! Writing, too, poetry about baby sociopaths and soup kitchens. Thank goodness for this job, I'm doing exactly what I need to be.

I was just recertified in CPR and AED, etc., etc. and in class the nurse made sure to point out that even if you don't remember exactly what you're doing or if you left you card at home or if there isn't an AED nearby, you shouldn't be afraid to try to help someone. It struck me very strongly at the time. If you're in a situation and someone isn't breathing for some reason, call 911, press the heel of your hand, one of top of the other, between their nipples and please perform at least chest compressions (100 per minute). Every minute the brain is without oxygen, more of it dies. You are protected by the Good Samaritan law if you've acted in good faith in trying to help someone even if it doesn't end well. You might be sued if you break some ribs or just because people are crazy, but it won't go anywhere; any judge will drop the case. Even if someone has been in a car accident and has a spinal injury, if they aren't breathing, it would be better to get blood to their brain and have them live as a paraplegic than as an able-bodied vegetable. You don't have to remember to give them two breaths and then 30 compressions, you can even skip the breaths as long as you can tilt their chin back and open their airway.

I felt a need to get this information out there, so please pass it along. It's important.
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