It Was A Time And What A Time It Was...

Jul 14, 2012 22:00

Last weekend was CONvergence...and as I've mentioned in a previous FB post, it was one of the "most amazing, exhausting, emotional, and musically rewarding con experiences I've ever had"...And it was...

Firstly, two of the shows I played were in dedication to Michael Matheny...Going into it, I knew I was only going to play a couple songs for each show, but I actually felt like I was holding space for Michael for much of the convention...Even though I don't feel like I knew him as well as many other folks did, I felt a responsibility to his spirit, as a musician and a friend, going into the shows as prepared as I could be...I learned how to play Michael's "Executioner's Jig" about two weeks previous and was honored to play it at the Long Straight Forever show at Harmonic CONvergence (Lojo asked to play it at Gallowglass Reunion show and frankly, I knew I didn't have it quite right and she'd been playing it for twenty years, so I felt relieved, really)...I also learned the Richard Thompson version of "'52 Vincent Black Lightening" just the week before CON - I'd actually learned it previously, but not accurately; I was concerned about pulling it off for the LSF show, but after performing it with Gabriel, I knew how important it was...

But I was only one of many who played: it was an honor to join Ray, Lojo, Ken, Matt, Adam and all the others in celebration of Mr. Matheny...

In the midst of all this, I also had two other shows as well at the CON - Pirates of Dreamtime and my own solo show...The Pirates gig went QUITE well and there were some old friends in the audience who made me feel like it was 1996...My solo show was really helped by the contributions of Luna Rouge and Natalie Nowytski: Luna's dancing was REALLY exceptional (check out the videos on YouTube if you get a chance!)...and it was one of the first times Natalie and I have collaborated in an electronic music environment - that's definitely going to happen more often I think...

I also took part in a panel on Film Soundtracks, which was spirited and fun and very very in my geek element...Got to meet one of the guys from Midnight Syndicate so that was pretty cool...

And then, on top of all that, it was Natalie's first full convention weekend (she had spent a day with OBI when they performed there a couple years ago)...However, she fit right in and whatever concerns we may have previously had washed away, and she and I had a magnificently awesome time...

All in all, a energy-filled weekend that left us both slightly exhausted...but THEN Natalie had to pack for Serbia...In fact, as of yesterday, she is on her way, though she got stuck for 16 hours in Chicago (UGH!)...I am leaving as of Monday, and I'm still packing...

I will be (hopefully) using Livejournal to post some of my adventures in Serbia - it's one of the reasons I decided to start it up again (Hence my previous update post)...So I have no idea what I'll be reporting but I'm sure I'll be reporting something...See y'all on the other side of the Earth!

ADDENDUM: For all my TRUE GEEK friends out there, did I mention that when I get to Belgrade, I'll be arriving at the Nikola Tesla Airport?
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