Start Wearing Purple, Wearing Purple...

May 11, 2010 15:32

My brother made the observation that 2002 was the last time I had as many gigs as I do right now...And I'd have to agree...It feels good to have part of my income based on my music, at least this month...and while it's keeping me busy, I'm certainly less busy than I was when I was in school...but I'm still trying to find the balance...

I'm about to finish recording my solo album...I've got about three more track to complete and then Corey and I go into the mixing process...I definitely think that it's still very possible for me to release the album by CONvergence...but we shall see...

The OBI album is also in the process of being mixed...Last week, I did some overdubs and sat in for an editing seesion...I'm hoping we can get the album out in the next couple months as well...

In the meantime, here's how the gigs have been so far...

Wed. 4/27 - OBI (MCTC faculty performance): 90 minutes of waiting, followed by 15 minutes of ripping up the stage...I feel like my patience earned me my birthday drinks...

Thurs. 4/28 - OBI (MCTC cafeteria): Not as bad as I expected it to sound...Great to have Ray Yeates running sound for us...A good solid gig all around, though we were all a bit fuzzy from the night before...

Sat. 5/1 - OBI (Festival of Nations): 13 hour gig - mostly on-call...Play for one hour at 10am, play for an hour at 9pm...Play 20 minutes every couple hours...Very tiring...

Sunday 5/2 - OBI (Festival of Natons): 8 hour gig - Four half-hour shows...Like Fest, only indoors...Much easier to deal with...Certainly ready to be done by the end of it...

Wed. 5/5 - Trevor Hartman and me at Kip's: Paul Score joined us for an hour and that was a lot of fun...It's weird - all three of us went to high school together, but I don't think we've ever played as a trio before...I hope we get to do it again sometime...Maybe even get to practice beforehand...

Friday 5/7 - Midnight Mo at the Weber Mansion: Got back together with my old band...Despite having a couple new members in the band and a few new songs I didn't know and (again) no practice, it felt like I hadn't left...Very funky set...

Saturday 5/8 - Solo show (Dangerboard CD release party): I was up on a platform for this show at the Bedlam...It ended up being much cooler than I expected...Dangerboard were really high energy and very different from my set, but we seemed to compliment each other...Not too many technical difficulties...I think I'm getting better with the solo shows...

And NOW, I'm looking forward to a five-day tour with OBI...We're all jumping in a van and taking off...color me excited...
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