Random Poll 5

Dec 01, 2005 21:06

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Hint: It's in contested territory in Kalimdor.

From the last poll

Question 1: Which one?
chris_bal_green - Topiate
tasllyn - Akraen
kwasek - Topiate
omegaspark - Topiate

Question 2: Who/what are these things/people?
chris_bal_green: A type of applesauce!
tasllyn: They are names. Fantasy-sounding names. And if they're not, they should be. I'll do it!
kwasek: The founders of AT&T
omegaspark: Things and/or people.
cyberg: People in my guild

Question 3: What is the question for #1?
chris_bal_green: What kind of applesauce should I eat?
tasllyn: I'll go with something dealing with picking something else for your new alt on WoW again. cause otherwise, i have no clue. SOund like good fantasy names though. Can I use a couple of them in my book?
kwasek: Which one should I call in complain for letting cingular buy them out like french whores.
omegaspark: Are these things/people?
cyberg: Which one of these is the GM for my guild?

If Stefan were eligible, he'd be getting a couple points. I guess none of ya'll except him noticed the tag :P

And Spark. MEH! Genericnessnessness doesn't get you points :P

And sure Vid, you can use the name. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. How many people can say they have a character named after them? :)

They're people who were in my guild at the time. Topiate is a 60 rogue, Akraen was a 54 druid, and Theviv was a 34 priest, all night elves. No need to say which in a fight would win that one :P

What inspired this poll was a dream I had with those three. If I ever get around to it, I'll post that dream again.

Current Score:
cyberg: 1.5
kwasek: 1,000,001
chris_bal_green: 1
omegaspark: 1

poll, wow

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