Your result for The Sexuality Spectrum Test...
You scored -40 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight)
As of right now, you are interested in the same sex. You have very little to no sexual interest in the opposite sex. If you are sexually inexperienced at this point, it is possible that you have latent heterosexual tendencies that you have not yet discovered.
Take The Sexuality Spectrum Test at
HelloQuizzy Yeah.. so the results weren't much of a suprise, heh..
In other news, I've been kinda tired/ worn out from work (almost 12 hours today x_x) and trying to sort of keep in touch with people... I must say I'm sorry to everyone, since I've been keeping in touch mostly with my new-ish mate, Oleto/ Spotz, more than others >.>
Life's been mostly boring lately, so I haven't had much to talk about, in my silly opinion... BUT, good news! I'll be moving to full time next week, so yay I'll have benefits eventually ^-^
On the end of Bad news (sort of good, since school is good): Oleto/ Spotz is moving into college tomorrow so I'm gonna be missing him, but visits shall be arranged :3
Hope everyone's safe and doing alright!