May 23, 2005 20:49
Ahh, these past few days have been very odd. Friday I hung out with Junior right after school, then I went out with Gretchen for a while. I met her at the apartment, and I gave her the picture Junior and I got for her as her going-away gift. Then she gave me all this stuff and a card that was definately one of the most impactful and emotional cards I have ever received. After some tears, we went to dinner at McGuire's and dessert at the new Jamaican restaurant downtown. The Jamaican place had the MOST incredible mango raspberry cheesecake ever. Ah, delish. Well, we hung around there for a while, then I took her back home. It was the last night that we hung out before she left for Ohio...
Then I met the superclique at the GR after Radio Gals ended, and we went to IHOP. It was most definately great times, minus the fact that Carlos was there. ugh.
Also, my sister came to visit this weekend. I felt awful because I barely got to see her, but she just came during a very stressful and busy time...oh well...
..I woke up at the ass-crack of dawn on Saturday to say a final good-bye to Gretchen. I went over there and her car was all packed up and the apartment was all empty and de-Waylon and Gretchen-ified. I could barely take it. I don't even know how to describe the feelings that I had, but they were simply awful. It was like a piece of my heart was wrenched out, it was like losing my parents. So, we finally said good-bye after several hugs and tears and "i miss you's and love you's." I cried all of the way home, not a sobbing, wailing cry...a painful and deep cry. One that doesn't occur very often for me. Now I'm a complete orphan for the summer. I hate this shit.
Sunday was sister went back to Charleston, so I practically said a hello and good-bye all at the same time. I went to Radio Gals, then to dinner at Sky's with some people from the show. It was my first experience with chicken & dumplin's and it was fabulous.
Now it's monday night. I'm studying for my awful algebra exam tomorrow, shoot me now. I think I have senior pictures tomorrow. Wow, I can't believe I'm a senior's about damn time.