Mar 30, 2009 20:08
Why do people gamble if they know the house always wins?
Consider this: A woman sits down at a slot machine for an entire day waiting for a pay off. After a few hours of pulling the lever with no result, she finally wins a large quantity of money. The woman is overcome with happiness and all of her patience has paid off. The next day, the woman returns to the same slot machine hoping to recreate the life altering moment from the previous day. She sits there for the entire day with no result. Determined, the woman returns everyday waiting for another reward. Once in a while, she wins a small sum of money, just enough to reinforce her habit, but not enough to keep her truly happy. The woman is now hooked on the possibility that she might, at some point win. She ignores the fact that the majority of the time she is just wasting time and losing money. She is convinced that if she tries hard enough, it will eventually pay off, even if it's infrequent and in smaller denominations.
Also consider this: Men are fucking useless, lying, cheating whores.
Allow me to explain.
I have recently discovered that there is a correlation between men and slot machines. You may spend days, or even years, sitting there waiting for things to be as they once were. Out of the blue, they'll make it seem as if you are about to win, but they give you just enough to keep you hooked. You then try your hardest because you sincerely believe that one day, it will pay off. They trick you into thinking that, despite all the losing you've had to endure, it will be worth the suffering.
I'll let you in on a little secret. It's NEVER FUCKING WORTH IT! It's a game men play. They want to keep you around for their own selfish reasons so they reel you in once in a while with a little bait. They may feed you some bullshit line like, "I love you," or "I'm sorry." Or they may try gayer, more cliche tactics like flowers, poetry and other gifts. It's all just a means to an end.
Don't fall for the bait. Once they have successfully reeled you back in again, they will dispose of you just as quickly and carelessly as they did the first, second...or how ever many fucking times you let this happen.