Aug 14, 2012 02:37
Doing what I do best at 2am in the morning - reading old blog posts trying to look for the very first warning signs.
Things that could not have been what I thought they were back then.
Found this.
"Because you make sure to call or text me every day
Because you'd tell me about every girl you go out with just so I'd know
Because you give me warm water or milo whenever I need it
Because you take care of me when I'm vulnerable
Because you put up with all the other guys even if it's unpleasant to your ears
Because you let me bring your favourite bear home so it could watch over me
Because you volunteer to drive me everywhere
Because you held my hand
You did it because you lacked company
You did it because you were afraid I'd get jealous and stay away
You did it because that's what anyone would do
You did it because you happen to be there
You did it because you listened as a friend
You did it because he doesn't mean that much to you anyway
You did it because you feel bad not doing so
You did it because you couldn't risk losing everything"
Bloody, bloody true.
In the end my cynical side was right but guess what obviously I didn't listen to it.