open letters to people I will know soon enough

Nov 03, 2007 19:32

Dear Yuletide Santa - only a little late!

Dear yuletide Santa;

Well, what is there to say? I potentially either made you cranky or happy with my requests, what with the lack of information. That's because I want you to take the characters and give them a new sense of self, to discover the undiscovered sides of their personalities and then wrap it up with a big, fat bow.

Vague? Prolly. I suppose I can list the things I DO NOT WANT and things I OMG <333, right?


- Music as the nucleus of a fic. Not songfic, because this isn't Pop fandom, but using your favourite songs to inspire something as lyrical and flowing as the track you love.

- The little details. Food they're eating, love they're making, clothes they're wearing, things they're touching.

- I like a little 'shippyness. I'm a hardcore romantic, okay - but I want to see them through the wringer first.


- I'm not a big slash person. I'm just not. I prefer gen, het if it's a ship, but other than that? I guess I'm more of a canon whore than I first thought, huh.

- Purple prose. Self-explaintory, yes.

- Non-con/rape/hardcore bondage. It's Christmas, people!

I love to laugh. I love to cry. And I can't wait to see what you do with my favourite characters, and most of all, I hope you have fun.

With love and baited breath,
Pieces xoxoxox


open letters to people i don't know, yuletide

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