hello shorty, are you ready to party? - "Amends"

Oct 12, 2007 17:33

Oh yes, ladies and...ladies. It's season seven, it's a premiere, it's a new channel its...

Law and Order: Criminal Intent Episode Round-Up!

(For the episode "Amends" or, "The One Where Katie Erbe Won at Canon and Broke a Fandom")

Quick note: the caps? Are shit. Like, mega shit. Apparently USA Network isn't in high definition yet, so alas, we have retro-stylin' in our pixels this evening. So I apologise in advance, and hope the show makes them enough money to make the switch. Onwards!

Previously on CI: Ma Goren died, Goren manpained, Katie Erbe won at canon and everyone wondered where TODD was. Oh, and the show moved to a new station, got some love for once and we all RPFed til we died. But that's besides the point, right?

We open with Bobby Dawson from CSI and Detective Copacabana in a car. They're on a stakeout, and one goes to pee. I forgot to cap this. Huh.

Cut to a smoke filled room, where a bunch of fat cops are enjoying some poker. Captain Bitch, Please is sad his fifteen year old wide eyed son is hooking in with a broad. The fat cops make some crass remarks about "LOL GET SOME POINTERS".

This, as you can imagine, fails to impress the King of Bitch Pleasing.

Bobby's having a chat on his phone about his kid watching Spider-Man, and claims there are worse things he could be doing. LIKE BEING IN BED WITH A GIRL, MAYBE? Did you like that continuity, huh? Did ya?

Too bad this is interrupted by...

...fifty million mobile phones going off in Fat Cops' pockets. Speaking of fat cops...

...here's one, who's obviously been sitting on the floor of his apartment since last season. At least he has an apartment this season, right? Goren's man paining is so intense, he doesn't hear his landline ringing off the hook.

Copacabana frantically tries to save Bobby Dawson, and it's clear that this is the reason why everyone's polyphonic ringtones are sounding out across NYC. Coz nothing brings us together like a cop killin', right?

Of course, the only person to get through to Goren on the phone is Eames, who's no doubt programmed Goren's phone to ring with "ANSWER YOUR FUCKIN' CELL PHONE" by The Alexandra Eames Vocal Choir. "It's totes okay, Eames," he says, gathering his belonging that don't include a razor. "I was only eating my way through a peanut butter and bacon sandwich and a season's break of Ma-related man pain."

Everyone arrives at the hospital and, along with Eames, we discover...IT'S JOE'S PARTNER.

THEME SONG. (Which I am not going to touch on, because OLD HAT)

Back at the hospital, we're joined by a Mountain Bear.

Even Captain Bitch, Please who, normally ignores anything related to Goren, agrees.

He even TOUCHES Goren, in a show of concern, because he's thinkin' the Mountain Bear look stems from Ma Goren's death and the fact he still has two weeks personal leave left to sit against his fridge and watch Dr. Phil.

Goren tries to convince the universe he's a) fine and b) not a bear.

Eames knows better. But then she spots someone she knows.

It's Teresa, Bobby Dawson's wife and mean, nasty bitch who forgot about Eames after Joe died old friend of Eames'.

It's kind of awkward between them. (Side note: ha, the two in the background.)

Bobby Dawson's partner, Copacapana, tells the gang he saw a "short Asian dude" shoot Bobby while he was peeing. This is all very boring and obvious, and Goren looks suspicious while Eames still looks awkward.

So they go and do some investigatin', and Goren begins to bark up the wrong tree.

The Copacabana tree, in fact. Sensing a theme, here? He continues with his peeing story, and points them in the direction of the person he and Bobby Dawson were protecting.

Miss Thang, put your hands up! She hates cops, didn't have no cop use her bathroom last night and if they can't protect themselves, how can they protect her? Whatever.

We head into the MCS room for some briefin' about the "short Asian dude". We're joined by the newest CI character - round of applause for Mr. Exposition! He generally points out every Asian with a criminal record in mind-blurring annoying jaunty camera shots, and we all go "hmmm. Convenient."

Then Bald Mick! goes past! Hi Mick! Hi hi!

Captain Bitch, Please is as excited by Bald Mick!'s return as I am. Or he's just seen TODD. Or he's a victim of new, zany camera angles that make him look perpetually bug-eyed. Again, whatever. Let's go look at a body!

HAY BALLISTICS LADY! I love it when they have non-character continuity. If Bobby Dawson weren't dead, he'd totes tell them what bullet shot him, what with being CSI's main ballistics man.

But. Y'know.

(Why didn't I cap Blonde!Rodgers? I am failing badly. And also with the explaination of the plot. See, Bobby Dawson was shot by a retro bullet, and one was really close and the other you can't tell because of the glass and this all probably leads back to Copacabana, but who knows, BLONDE!RODGERS!)

They got a-visitin' to Teresa's house, and it's still awkward as Teresa's spent the past nine years being glad it was Joe who died and not Bobby Dawson. See, people? Karma's a bitch. Still, they have a nice moment and apologies are all rounded.

She still hates Teresa, though.

JUST KIDDING. Hay, you know what this scene needs? Some Goren putting his size thirteen foot in it!

Thanks, guys! Goren basically loses the plot and stuffs up any relationship they could have had with Copacabana while knowing too much about his peeing patterns, and we all wince at the horrible, sticky-footy-ness about it.

Good to see him back to his ways, then.

Hey look, it's a "short Asian dude"! He must be one of the nice ones, because he's playing house, caring for his son and feeding him oh-so-well.

Cutest. Fruit. Of. A. "Short. Asian. Dude" Drug. Dealer. Ever. Even though he's daddy's about to be dragged out by a large number of police men.

Uh oh. Turns out there's a couple of people waiting to shake his hand and generally say nice things about him at One Police Plaza. NOT.

Part of me wonders how they all managed to gather here. Was there an email? And isn't this like, police brutality? Or something like that? What do I know, anyway? Pfft. Human rights are for chumps!

Copacabana, and every cast member ever, watch the line up and as he picks out the "Short Asian Dude".

CI Is Presented by Chevy. For your smoothest ride!

Again, I'm feeling like this episode is lacking in Goren putting his foot in it, and general wackiness.

LUCKY, COPACABANA AND GOREN ARE LEFT IN A ROOM TOGETHER. More pee talk happens, Copacabana admits he wasn't peeing but probably getting a blow job and Goren, who's greatest weapon is his library card, spots something only a trained specialist probably could.

"Tell me what my tie clip looks like." OH, GOREN.

Of course, this means Copacabana has a rare sight problem that stops him from seeing anything properly, and Goren gets rather riled up. Optometry isn't a game, Copa!

Of course, Copacabana follows the suit of many of Goren's "suspects", and marches out of the room in an angry tizz. How dare he accuse me of bad eyesight!

This leads to the principal's office much ranting from the Head of NYPD (or whoever that dude is), and Goren generally hanging his head in semi-shame.

Actually, he just finds the whole thing shit funny, even when they realise "Short Asian Dude" will walk free. "Tomoz is the funeral!" says Dude I Don't Know. "Explain THAT to Teresa Quinn!"

Captain Bitch, Please just hates the universe. Full stop.

Dunno about explainin', but we do get them in their dress blues. EEEEEE CUTE. Goren makes the executive decision to stay out of the wake, and we're all kinda glad. Even though a nice little scene of concern would be fantastic, but leaps and bounds aren't exactly in this show's MO.

Talk about people you don't want to see, huh. Luckily, Goren doesn't mention optometry, and everyone gets out relatively unscathed. NO BODY LIKES YOU, EVERYBODY HATES YOU, GO EAT WORMS, etc etc. You get the gist.

Inside, we're treated to this horribly sad photo. Joe was kind of hot, and not what I expected. Still.

Teresa and Eames have a bit of a chat about the stupid things their husbands did together, including one song renditions and a tune on the horn, and we're all broken hearted by how awesome Joe must have been.

Really, really broken hearted. :(

Thank God for Mister Comic Relief. He hates kids, so lucky one runs into him that:

a) Reaffirms that everyone hates him and thinks he's a douchey wack job and
b) Happens to be riding a very silent skateboard that no-one's ever heard of but totes, the killer could have gotten away on it!

What, totes, ever.

Home time. Eames lets Goren drive for the first time in seven years, and we get a nice scene where they bond over dead people in their lives. Okay, it's a bit more complex than that, but you're not expecting great meta insights from me, are you? Let's just look at how beautiful Katie looks, for a moment.


In other news, all these freakin' handhead zany camera angles make this very hard to cap. Honestly.

But I digess. Remember the skateboardy thing from that shitty kid?

Turns out it is good for shooting people.

Good for shootin' people who turn out to be drug dealers who testified against the dude who's in jail for shooting Eames' hubby and hay, what if he's arranged a hit from inside jail?

Time for some exposition about Joe's death, which sadly couldn't come from Mr. Exposition, so we're back to seeing Eames doing what she does best. Captain Bitch, Please tries to take Eames off the case, but there's a slight problem.


Yeah. You know, the one that doesn't adjust well to change.

Luckily, Dad says they can go to the spring fling he lets the gang stay together and Eames stay on the case. FOR NOW.

They go and visit Joe's Killer. Now with 75% more arty-farty camera angles!

Apparently Eames is the last person he expected to see on visitation. I wonder why.

Again, it's kind of awkward. But he makes it perfectly clear he's innocent, and hey, it sucks to be a cop killer on the inside, so as if I arranged a hit!

And isn't Eames pissed. No, Goren, don't try to make her think he's not the killer. No, Goren, don't even try to talk sense. And don't call her a widow!

Man, this is hard to cap.

Needless to say? Goren's not coping so well with his Emotional Lady Partner at the moment.

I know! He should totally do something irrational, but important to the case - like, putting out the entire case file of Eames' dead husband that she hasn't really gotten over - while being awkward and making us all sit on the edge of our chairs with the teeth-bitingly "OMG NO HE DIDN'T"ness of it all!

The Wall of Joe is coming along well, when...


Eames? Isn't entirely impressed with this activity.

"This isn't one of your puzzles!"

Goren, in all his wisdom, actually makes an attempt at explaining everything to Eames - why he's opening up the case, why testing the cigarette they found at the scene is important, why this is so integral to the case, etc.

Oh, Eames.

And you know what? He does a freakin' good job. For once. And we're all ruined by this scene because it's exactly why we love this show, and these characters, and oh my god they get each other so badly, it's just amazing and we love them so much. But still.

Doesn't stop her from pulling this face and making us all want to bake her cookies and hug her until she can't breathe. Oh, Eames.

Off they go, partners fo' lyfe, to get Joe's evidence box from the lock up.

Attitude!Cop has lost the box.

Goren decides to throw out some residual anger from the shitty kid on a skateboard incident, and we all LOL mightly. If this is all it takes to get a cop to do your bidding, then HELLO, so long calling 991/000!

Ballistics calls up about something, and Eames sends Goren away to deal with it. We then get some Woman Pain, and its a hundred million times worse than Man Pain.

The ballistics lead to This Old Man, Joe's Killer's dad, and the two of them have a bit of a bond.

Turns out the gun was military issue, and surprise, surprise, both Joe and Bobby Dawson were murdered by the same gun. But how is that possible with Joe's Killer behind bars? HMMM.

Aside: Laugh more, you bacon eating bastard!


Back at the evidence lockup, turns out Joe's stuff got "lost" behind something. Right.



There just...isn't words. Oh Eames. Oh Katie, for acting the shit out of this scene. Oh, show. I just...can't even.

Let's move on, before my tears blur my vision. Joe's Killer's Son is being interviewed, and everyone knows he killed Bobby Dawson and Drug Dealer Bloke. As per usual, the kid fluffs around until...

...our heroes do what they do best - SYKE! And act like Joe's Killer's Dad confessed to the killings, thus making Joe's Killer's Son confess.

And everything's wrapped up nicely, with a nice pink bow. Except for...yes! Joe's Killer!

Hay, Blonde!Rodgers! She apologises for not knowing about Joe, and basically throws every suspect they had for Joe's murder out the window, thanks to the cigarette found at the scene. The gang do some investigating, which leads to some guy trying to rehibilitate himself.

They of course threaten to plant weed on him unless he gives them info. Huh.

But Katie looks gorge, so let's just enjoy that, again, for a moment.

The information they manhandled got out of The Organic Farmer makes Goren rub his chin, and I can't remember why. OH some kid who used to hang around. Or something. Whatever.

They end up at some house with a woman that looks like Ma Goren reincarnated.

Her and her daughter, who believe Anglos can't speak Spanish, lead them to a young doctor who seems to have a bit of a shaky past.

You can see what's coming, right boys and girls?

This is Manny. Cut a long story short, he's the real killer of Joe.

Eames is trying to keep her shit together, and she does really well.

As they arrest Manny, he mentions how Joe was the reason he became a doctor, and he thinks about him constantly, even though he didn't know who he was.

And to break our hearts, finally and completely? "He was a good cop."


Dick Wolf


Things of Note:

<3 I don't have any words. Seriously. I just. This was perfect, and amazing and well acted, and oh god. Visit aj's journal, she's so much more eloquent than me, and says everything I want to say.

<3 Oh, Katie. I love you so much.

Oh man. That took THREE HOURS to code. How long do these things keep getting, seriously?!

episode recaps, pictures, ci

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