Paris Enquêtes Criminelles? OUI!

May 08, 2007 14:53

So I downloaded Paris Enquêtes Criminelles - otherwise known as The French Version of Criminal Intent - Now With More Berets!.

And I LOVE IT. I have no idea what they are saying, BUT I LOVE IT. I love La Eames and Le Goren, and even the fact it's a complete and utter remake down to the Goren Head Tilt and Eames' "Oh, Goren" Face.

Look! Do they have their roles down OR WHAT. Let's look at this wonderfully bizarre excuse for Dick Wolf to get more money closer.

This is Vincent Revel. You can call him Le Goren.

This is Claire Savigny. Or, if you prefer, La Eames.

(I have no idea if their names are nods to Vincent and Katie, but let's pretend they are.)

They're partners. Savigny hates Revel, just like Eames hates Goren.

Like Goren, Revel does creepy shit like sniffing money.

Like Eames, Savigny pulls this face and refrains from kicking him.

They are joined by Captain Croissant and...

...CARVER IN DRAG AS A WHITE WOMAN. This hampers his plans to sex everyone up with some sexual chocolate.

They work in a room that resembles either a) an alien space craft or b) that aluminum house you made out of a shoebox for your Barbies when you were eight.

Although, their interrogation room looks strangely familiar...

...although stabbing a chicken while interrogating some woman is totes Vincent Perez's idea.

No, really. So are the following things:

1. Original and disarming head tilt

2. Strange leather book that's full of crap to show how detailed and/or scattered this brilliant brain is

3. Sympathising with schitzophrenic patients because he's JUST THAT GOOD

4. Getting up in yo' grill and/or crazy dads about to shoot their kids with a shotgun.

Uh. Um.


I LOVED IT. The first episode was "Phantoms" with more ouis and nons - it was disconcerting how similar the two episodes are, almost shot for shot.

And, and, at the end, when Le Goren was all angsting about facing the Dad Shooter? We didn't just get sexy uncocking of the gun...WE GOT LA EAMES CONCERN. I can feel sexin' coming on, people. Squint and it will kinda look like VDO and KE?

Love Sandrine Rigaux, who's playing La Eames. She's just perfect. And the two of them have great chemistry, which really it's all about. I just wonder if VDO will watch this and go, "Huh. So much for my hard work, Perez!" then eat another handful of pure baking grease with a side of marshmellows.

I can feel the following coming on:

a) crossover fic where Eames and Goren eat bread sticks, and
b) RPF where the French stars visit and Perez is all over Katie and VDO gets full jealous and hello.

Stop me. No. Really.

pec, lol, ci, caps

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