uh, whuh?

Apr 19, 2007 20:10

RE: New Moon

Am I reading the right book?

I'm only half-way through, but I want to wack Bella on the noggin. She is really making me feel...unhappy, in the way she's treating Jacob and the way she's floating through the chapters like a wet blanket.

Yes, okay, I understand why she's acting this way, and that she's aware of the way she's treating Jake - but that doesn't make me go "OH, OKAY, COOL" anymore than it did before. The crazed way she starts pushing herself off cliffs and endangering herself makes sense, in a way, but why doesn't anyone else around her (like Charlie or Jake) make the connection and stop her being so suicidal? It all seems a little drawn out and superfluous - and I would have liked to think Bella had the sensibility (even in face of losing her One True Love) not to act so damn reckless.

I'm feeling, three-hundred-odd pages in, like I am reading the wrong book, and that's not just because Bella has turned very sour, but another huge stinking reason:


Carlisle, come back to me! I'm also wishing Esme was more rounded, instead of some secondary Mumsy character that seems to flit in and out while Carlisle runs the show.

Like I said, I'm only like, half way done; so no doubt my opinions will change. Vampires, come back!

Carlisle = Hugh Dancy, y/y?

That's what I'm thinkin', yo.* AND NO, I don't care he's in Blood and Chocolate, thanks, just give him a shave and a blond rinse and he's ready to head the Cullens.

* Until Zach Quinto's linked to the role, anyway, then I'm dropping Dancy like coals.

twilight, thoughts

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