OH I JUST LOVE MY SHOWS (Post 2/2 - The Fandom Post)

Feb 14, 2007 16:17

My first piece in the heroes50. Way to go, with the slow-ass-ness, Pieces.

Title: "What Doesn't Kill Us"
Prompt: #5: Destroy
Character: Nathan Petrelli and Niki Sanders (Heroes)
Rating: PG
Word Count: Not many
Spoilers: Up to "Run!"
Disclaimer: KRING, KRING "Hello, this is Tim Kring. Piecesof is aware these characters are mine and not hers. So no suing from me to her. Bye!"
Summary: AU. Plays on the idea of the Future!Heroes - if they didn't save Claire and the whole bloody world collapsed.

What Doesn't Kill Us
heroes50 Nathan/Niki Prompt #5: Destroy


What doesn't kill us will only destroy us both.

She doesn't flinch as she slices another throat. Watching the blood spill onto the ground, she simply sighs and rubs her knife clean with the bottom of her shirt.

"This is war," she mutters, through the dark spray that's caught most of her lower face; and you kiss her anyway because she's right and you've tasted your own share of guilty blood.


Micah's face is dark as he plunges the knife in. He's his mother's son, afterall, and the year they didn't save the cheerleader was the year he learnt the true meaning of destruction.

He watches you and his mother and wonders if you truly know what she's done in order to survive.

"I know, kid," you mutter, as he pulls back the knife, letting the faceless bastard fall to the ground in front of his feet.

Micah doesn't cry, because he knows better; although he wishes he didn't.


Later, lying in the flickering light provided by a dying flame, she changes. From Jessica to Niki, like a flit of a shadow across the wall, and she loves you.

As you think of Peter, of the girl you later mourn as a daughter, she loves you.

As you both plan what comes next because of plans you once refused to put in motion, she strokes your cheek and she loves you, despite Jessica's involvement and probably in spite of it.

For a moment you think of what could have been. But she loves you, and that can only destroy you both.





Now...the EPISODE RUNDOWN! (for Criminal Intent and Heroes, anyway)

First and foremost:


I mean, fo' realz?! The Photoshop effect? The use of a song I already put on my Goren and Eames soundtrack, PRODUCERS?! The weird-ass editing? With this ep teaser and last episodes, I can see the Emmys now:

"And the Emmy for Most Inappropriate Use of Modern and Trendy Music goes to...LAW AND ORDER: CRIMINAL INTENT!"


Oh wow. I actually had to stop and check I was watching the right show - but no, there was Captain Bitch, Please and his odd children (no TODD, alas) and thar start the credits with me in "BZUH" mode. Honestly, I can see what they're trying to do - a fresh approach, younger audience blah blah - but under no circumstances should high-rating, prime-time television shows employ editors who think a) star wipes or b) Windows Movie Maker special "effects" are legitimate forms of transitioning a scene or setting a mood. When your teaser looks like a bad eighties filmclip or your cousin's first attempt at making a home movie, you're in trouble.

Okay. Out of my system. Too bad the ep was kind of meh. Loving Xander Berkeley, but hello, it's Xander Berkeley.

Another !!! moment: GOREN ASKED IF THEY WERE OKAY!!! Loved it. Although it was kind of like watching a fully-build house of cards in a wind tunnel (the wind tunnel being Ma Goren). I can't say they developed the whole Eames' mentor/respect thing, either - it all seemed to get lost in the wash, or like Katie wasn't really trying. I do love her, though - she's getting her points across and not waiting for Goren to catch up. It's a nice slice of tension while still maintaining their dynamic.

Captain Bitch, Please "bitch, please"ed a lot. Other than that? Bring on Bro Goren. I can't wait!

My love for Nathan is so irrational, I can hardly stand it. When Adrian Pasdar moves his jaw, he's pretty much acting everyone else off the screen. His reaction shots of being told Claire was alive were so fraught, so tense, so biting, I almost cracked from the pressure of just watching it. And NATHAN AND NIKI. TOGETHER AGAIN. Okay, so her crazy sister is going after him, but TOGETHER! AGAIN!


That said, I do love ol' Niki/Jessica. How can you not love an assassin that bops in an elevator to muzak?

I love how everyone's coming together now - Matt chasing Jessica, the Little Petrelli Family that Could...oh, is it possible to be more incoherant about this show? No. Probably not. Unless I typed my reviews like this:



But I won't. Next week: Mohinder and Sylar go on zany adventures across America!

heroes50, fic, ci, nathan/niki, heroes

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