You me, you me and YouTube

Oct 26, 2006 22:32

I've been ploughing around YouTube looking for distracting crap today, thanks to me being "missing" (don't ask) and having the worst bout of writer's block since forev.


♥ For gunderpants: Tonks/Lupin vid.
To the Monkees, natch. I just know you're going to love me after seeing this, Gun.

Adrian Munsey - Read more... )

youtube, aj, bsb, misc, ci, monkees, nsync, pretender

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atlashrugged October 26 2006, 23:26:03 UTC
I don't get writer's blcok. Maybe if I had more time to write something non-philosophical. Ugh. If it's any consolation, I have about six versions of Girl From the North Country in an impromptu playlist I made after beta-ing(?) your CI story. That song just gets into your bones.

I love when they're undercover or if there is dancing. Also, I was surprised I actually remembered the 2000 VMAs, let alone *NSYNC.


piecesofalice October 28 2006, 06:09:03 UTC
I usually don't get Ye Olde Writer's Block, either - but I'm just so bleh at the moment...probably because I'm on holidays and my noggin's gone "NOPE. NO THINKING." Or I'm just watching too much TV and it's rotted my brain away.

SIX versions of Girl from the North Country?! Share, danke.

(Your icon is better than mine)


atlashrugged October 30 2006, 00:44:30 UTC
01. I have the opposite problem when classes are in session. When I learn about new things I get weird fic ideas (lately: time on parallel planes and how Eames is all of her selves at every moment of every day. It makes no sense when I write it down!!) with which I don't have time to properly deal.

02. Which versions do you have? Or, I could just upload the ones I do have.

(03. I liked how that line ran straight through the both of them. All my icons have strange motivations.)

04. Do you know what Kathyrn Erbe's tattoo is? It's bothering me. A lot.


piecesofalice October 30 2006, 01:37:26 UTC
01. All of herselves? Like, detective/woman/daughter/sister/aunt?

02. I actually only have the Bob Dylan/Johnny Cash version. More!

Her tattoo is a heart with M+T (for Maeve and Terry). How do I know that? Seriously!


atlashrugged October 31 2006, 00:37:08 UTC
01. More like an amalgam of her life's moments up to that point. How right now she could be forty and typing up a report but she's also five and running around in her front yard or seventeen and drunk at the house of a friend of a friend or thirty-three and a widow. How the life in our bodies is there because of the millions of things that died before us and moments that aren't over yet because they're not understood. Etc.

02. Keep an eye out.

Thanks. It was driving me crazy. You've read it somewhere, maybe?


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