Fashion 70's - Episodes 2, 3 & 4

Aug 31, 2011 15:26

Sticking these suckers together because holy Jesus there's a lot of 1950's based exposition. We just want flares and mismatched patters, people!

But - wait! What's that I see at the end of episode four!? Stay tuned! (spoilers: it's the seventies)

PREVIOUSLY ON FASHION 70'S: War is hell, kids are cute, Americans only eat Hershey's and a gingham and kelly green dress stole my heart the show.

Shit's getting real. Kang Hee is thrown on to a truck after getting Dodgy Mother out of jail, with the promise they'll meet up in Seoul soon. Sure thing, Dodgy Mother. Surrreee.

Soon Hee's still stuck in a box (THANKS, JANG BIN), which is subsequently loaded onto the back of The Traveling Fashionista's truck. It's not long after this she starts to lose consciousness due to lack of oxygen and. Oy. Her Respectable Army Parents try frantically to find her, but end up chasing Kang Hee instead, leaving both girls separated from their parents (pay attention, this bit's important).

After several hours of driving, a couple of drinks, a sandwich, the newspaper, a Charlie Chaplin film and maybe a spot of tennis, Jang Bin remembers Soon Hee's in the back of the truck and? Well. The words "death child" were thrown around.

She's brought back to life by the gang and, after trying to walk back to the army base to find her parents, collapses in a heap on the ground. This is Jang Bin's fault, but he just cries a lot and his mother tells him she wishes he were never born.

This however is the last of everyone's problems - while the Fashionistas are turning around to find Soon Hee's parents, Head Dude in Charge tells the troops to blow up the bridge between Undeterminded City and...freedom, I'm guessing. This can only end in someone being blown up, and unfortunately Soon Hee's parents stuff around and manage to get themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time.

*insert Michael Bay-esque score here*

Drive-by WTF Makeup?!

Meanwhile, Kang Hee craps out a pearl. Literally.

Only one place to go, then!

The Travelling Fashionistas take Soon Hee to Seoul with them, and rent a room in a dodgy part of town (the girls still look fierce, however, but such is the life of troupe models. Diggin' the prints). Everything is well and good until Madame Fierce-a-Lot decides they're going to Busan and no Soon Hee you can't come.


Jang Bin, thinking this is all about him and not the young girl who is (potentially) now an orphan being dumped in a war-torn city alone, sooks until Soon Hee thanks him for helping her.


Everyone says their goodbyes to Soon Hee, in the only way you can say goodbye to an eight year old you ditch on the side of the road - so lots of mumbling and shuffling of feet. We're also given a glimpse into the workings of our favourite minstrel fashion peeps when Yook Sung longingly looks at Madame F-a-L, after giving a speech about young love and whatever Jang Bin whatever whatever. (ten bucks says he's Jang Bin's dad)

It's worth pointing out the subs I'm using are fansubs, and they often include random commentary from the subbers, or the subs cover the entire screen. Probably not as bad as this, but still. Also, why is this turning into a half-assed recap of the damn show?! I WAS JUST HERE FOR THE FASHION LOLZ, PEOPLE! NOT THE COMPLICATED AND CONVOLUTED PLOT!

Carry on.

Our favourite urchins meet up in Seoul and begin a career in selling pants from under their clothes. It makes sense in context, I promise.

It doesn't go very well. It's worth noting at this moment Kang Hee's Dodgy Mother is alive and looking for her, and Soon Hee's Respectable Army Dad survived the Michael Bay bridge explosion but her mum didn't. It's actually quite sad, especially when Kang Hee tells Soon Hee about their deaths and her little stoic face crumbles. Insert Dawson crying gif here.

A bunch of other shit happens, like the Marilyn impersonator from the first episode getting accidentally killed by Dodgy Mother, who then gets locked up in jail, and Respectable Army Dad (RAD, for short) tricks the Chinese into thinking he's one of them and then works at a ship yard for five minutes and then all of a sudden he's rolling in cash and has a Rolls Royce. I have no idea what is happening.

Let's go to Busan, where Madame FaL is modelling a dusky peachy purple-on-peachy purple number that's a little more early eighties than fifties, but I'll let it pass. She's probably built a time-machine from her bitchiness and went forward to the eighties to buy said outfit, she's so fierce.

We have Sonja (I made that name up, THEY ALL NEED NAMES OKAY) in a smart maroon and white number with a matching pussy-bow. It's a little more secretary, but in my elaborate backstory for the Travelling Fashionistas, Sonja, the mini-bitchy one, is working for a rich business man on the side who she'll eventually marry. Probably played by like, Won Bin.


Beige, beige and beige-r. Do I spy pinky polka dots? I think I do! (Why isn't this show about these guys? WHY)

A walk-in from the dude who tells the Travelling Fashionistas to get the hell out of Busan and his shop front. I find the colour and collar natty.

...I think a whole bunch of stuff happens, and Soon Hee and Kang Hee get shot. I am not kidding. One bullet for both of them. My side-eye was sharp, but I guess this is all just leading to...

...the war ending! Yay! And here we have another poll entry - Head Dude in Charge (HDC, for short) and his minion in their fetching matching bandages. Straight from Paris!

BUT WHAT ABOUT THE GIRLS?! No clear answers as to how/why/when/wtf, but they end up in seperate orphanages, thinking the other is dead. I smell plot device!

Soon Hee's RAD is even richer than before, continuing to comb the city for Soon Hee, when he comes across Kang Hee - who of course, has to tell him his daughter is dead. There's some reflection beside a lake before he decides to be one with the water.

Kang Hee pulls him back and RAD realises the reality of them both being alone - so he adopts Kang Hee instead. Okay! I mean, it's not like Dodgy Mother is going to be released from jail and find Soon Hee in another orphanage and adopt her or something!



It's here where you'd expect a "twenty years later" title, or what-have-you, right? No. Oh, no. Fashion 70s dismisses regular narrative formats and, instead, boldly announces the arrival of a new, exciting decade. "How?" you ask, intrigued.

I'll show you. Through the use of YouTube:

image Click to view

I can't even. It's beautiful. Cue 'Boogie Shoes'!

A helicopter. Some aviators.

A girl's hand. A bullet.


Looks like the helicopter's passenger is our good friend Dong Young. Except he's only one of the kids we got to learn jack all about, so I'm not actually comfortable calling him a good friend just yet. He likes the trumpet? Anyway. Turns out he wants to build a nuclear power plant, and is scouting a beautiful beach as a location to plop that sucker.

Head Dude in Charge + grey hair = FASHION 70s


The girl sits in the ugliest hipster jumper of all time, contemplating life when the helicopter shocks her into dropping her fishing net. She's pissed, and runs down to the beach where the helicopter lands.


It's worth pointing out here that the two little girls playing Kang Hee and Soon Hee are phenomenal. Both of them act the adults off the screen in a lot of points, and the scenes when they realise their parents are dead/they get adopted by the opposite parents are amazingly powerful. I'm not going to get sucked into this show, flisty, and any suggestions this is occurring will be met with a Soon Hee face.


Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time for the first Fashion 70s Costume Poll! Boogie Shoes for all!

Poll Fashion 70s: Good Bye War Tiems

Vote! Vote! Vote!

I need a lie-down.

kdrama, fashion 70's, recappage

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