~just the way you are~

Aug 24, 2011 19:45

The Reason I Will Forever Be On The Outside of Asian Drama Fandom
by Pieces, aged somethingsomethingtoooldforthissomething

Because I always ship the wrong goddamn pairings, or watch the wrong damn shows. Let's look to Japanese drama, Deka Wanko, as our example.

The Fandom ships this:

Cute (Short) BoyCop from Actual Boyband! Cute Police Girl In Frilly Clothes Trying To Prove Herself! A perfect match! (except for the fact they have little to no chemistry, unless you count their scenes being akin to watching a brother and sister reluctantly act together)

And Pieces ships this:

Handsome, Rugged (Tall) & Silent Super Cop We Know Nothing About! Cute Police Girl in Frilly Clothes Trying To Prove Herself! Ew! (except they totally have chemistry and you all have to watch this so I have an excuse for frilly/rugged hurt-comfort fic or some shit)


In other news, Deka Wanko is pretty great, for a show about a lolita cop who has a super-smelling nose and wants to bang her handsome older colleague (SHE ASKS IF HE IS SINGLE, PEOPLE. THEN SLEEPS NEXT TO HIM WTF).

inappropriate may/december fetish, deka wanko, jdrama

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