Festivids, bitches

Oct 20, 2010 21:35

Dear Festividder,

Thank you for participating, and for taking up my requests!

This is my first year participating, and I honestly can't wait to give it a go. I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to vids - as long as scenes of talking are low and the cuts are snappy, I'm good to go.

Here are my favourite parts/characters/themes of the fandoms I requested, and maybe a couple of song ideas. Like I said, I'm pretty easy to please, so take all of this with a blessing that you can change whatever to fit you best. And if all else fails, go to Hawksley Workman for the music, and I'll be happy as a lamb.

1. The Breakfast Club
Claire and Bender are my favourite characters from the film, but I'd love an ensemble piece, too. Whenever I think of TBC, I think of Wang Chung - "Hypnotise Me" or "Don't Be My Enemy" would be great, as well as "Kissing Girls (You Shouldn't Kiss)" by Hawksley Workman. Anything that's upbeat, but with a sad side as well.

2. Deadwood
With such a large cast, and one I love as much as I do, it would be hard to narrow it down to anything but an ensemble piece. Joanie and Wolcott are the characters I find most interesting, with Joanie's story being one of my favourite parts of the whole show. "Four Winds" by Bright Eyes, "Alma" by Teddybears or "He Lays in the Reigns" by Iron & Wine and Calexico would be perfect.

3. Inglourious Basterds
As much as I love the Shosanna/Fredrick dynamic, I'd love a group vid. To something snappy, like "Spaceship" by Phrase - that's the song I always imagine vidding the film to. I can upload the track if wanted.

Let's hear it for the girls! A vid focussing on the women of IRIS would be awesome, but I'm partial to the Seon-Hwa and Hyun-Jun dynamic. "Learn to Crawl" by Black Lab or "Comfort Me" by Shihad would be great, or "Anger as Beauty" by Hawksley Workman if you want to make me squeal like a five-year-old.

5. Life
More than anything, I'd love a show-as-a-whole vid. Sort of a series-long trailer, if you will. "To Build a Home" by The Cinematic Orchestra, or "All These Things I Have Done" by The Killers is the mood I'd like - sad, but hopeful and full of life (excuse the pun).

6. The Pretender
It's all about Miss Parker and Jarod. I can't even pretend to you that it isn't. Any Hawksley Workman song along with my lifelong 'ship would make me so happy, I'd probably name my first born after you.

That's it! I hope you have fun, and I can't wait to see what you come up with. Thank you again :)

<3 Pieces xoxox

festivids, deadwood, bad vidding adventures

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