why everything's the same - a highly academic picspam about the earth 2 episode, "water"

Jan 30, 2009 01:59

There's this episode, right. In the one season of Earth 2, right. It's called "Water", and it falls pretty near to the beginning of the canon, but just far enough that everyone is firmly established and relationships are beginning to flourish.

When I was a wee lass, I thought this episode was all about water. Sourcing water, drinking water, water as a metaphor for life etc. But now, at the tail-end of my twenties, I realise what this episode is all about.

It's all about sexual frustration. Water = sex.

Trust me. You trust me, right?

Crickets, random cough from guy in audience

Apparently, the episode is about the Ye Olde Earth 2ians running low on water, thus sending the OTP of OTPs out to find some. Water, in this instance, is quite obviously standing in for the camp's collective sexual frustration - and, by sending the two-most-likely out on a mission for said substance, the drought may break and everyone will get some.

(No-one cares to think about Morgan and Bess' water supply.)

This is Devon and Danziger. Danziger has amazing hair.

LUCKILY, as they're trucking along, they break down IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. Danziger tries to be mechanical, while bitching at Devon. Nothing new, then.

With no end in site to the mechanical problems, which may or may not also be the subject of late-night ads aimed at men, Danziger suggests Devon has a lay down in the shade to preserve water. Because he's a big baby, he waits until she suggests they're adults and there's room on the rug for him, too.

Exhibit A: awkward first time in close proximity between male and female attracted to each other

It's just too fucking cute, to be honest.

As is the case when you can look but not touch, it all gets a little bit too much for Danziger, who announces he's going to "work on the rail". The rail, guys. The rail.

They then run into our old mates, the Terrians. (Note: they are not dancing.)

Despite a) healing children and b) appearing nice and shit, the Terrians apparently frown on these shenanigans, and give Dev a bit of a buzz. Note my thinly veiled metaphor for self-pleasure.

The Terrians decide this scene isn't anvil-on-the-head enough, thus they buzz Danziger and he ends up with his face in her lap. Awesome.

Commercial break

We come back to our Fearlessly Fearless Duo who seem to have gotten themselves in a pickle. A frighteningly sexy pickle.

Watch now, as two actors act out drinking from a canteen and getting a knife out of a belt in the most obvious way:

image Click to view

I know, right? I KNOW, RIGHT? You can't make this shit up. Watching that makes me vaguely uncomfortable, because it's too freakin' sexy and it shouldn't be. As we have now seen, the sexual frustration that water is acting as a metaphor for is coming to a head (no pun intended) as our duo is pushed into danger and the excitement it brings.

Oh, come on.

Through their completely unsexy actions, the duo free themselves and never speak of that incident again.

Their search for the Terrians and water ends up becoming a D&M of Devon and Danziger proportions - so, really, just bitching at each other on the top of a mountain.

There's a lot of "venting" and "expelling energy" towards each other.

Searching for "water" and using the power of body language.

Lots of "passionate exchanges" and "harsh words". Okay, the last one was a stretch, but the whole thing is just a wonderful indication of their attraction to each other and how horrible it is that this freakin' show ended before we got actual sexin' and not metaphorical water sexin'.

Don't you be givin' me that finger, Curly.

Right. I'll let this screencap talk for it's self.


These caps, are, of course, followed by an explosion.

It's all rather beautiful in it's subtleness, really. Just like the giant rock they were behind!

Something or other happens, they are "thirsty", they find a "lake" and start to get excited, only to have the lake be ~evil~ and the whole excitement over water end prematurely.

Terry O'Quinn knows you can't make this shit up, because he's Terry O'Quinn.

I missed a bit. Danziger fainted from lack of water, ate a cactus and then Devon came and let him drink from her supply.

Y'know, I vaguely remember learning about this stuff in first year Semiotics at university.

Happy and content thanks to Devon's well, Danziger and her head back to camp and stand around awkwardly like you do after you've, um, drunk from someone's water supply.

The camp as a whole is now refreshed and relieved they have water back, thus creating a fun and active environment between the adults and the children. It's beautiful, isn't it?

In conclusion, this picspam makes little sense and really just reaffirms why I didn't become a scholar.

Clancy Brown's hair is pretty.


In the words of that Great Poet Laureate, Lady Christina Aguilera - dirrrty.

earth zwei, picspam

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