revolution, non-fandom secrets style

Oct 05, 2008 23:45

I was swanning around fandomsecrets, and thought to myself - "why the hell are people keeping these things as secrets? What about the things that you kind of don't say, but aren't afraid of people knowing? Like, "Joey Lawrence was my first TV love?" Y'know?"

Then I ate a sandwich and watched some TV, before remembering what I'd thought earlier. So!

I'm starting a revolution. No anonymous posting, no digs at fandom types or situations - just the stuff you're not keeping a secret, but never really get around to saying. The stuff you love, the peeps you'd "hit", the OTPs that changed your life, whatever. I present:


Now just as pretty and just as Photoshop-riffic as fandomsecrets!



Tell me yours, flisty!

Hit up "post a comment" and spill your not-so-secret guts. In graphic, random picture, Paint-tastic form - whatever.

The post is open and waiting. Get your mates to come and tell theirs, too. And their mates, and their secrets, just flisty, fandomy love. JUST LOVE.

PS: ROFLBot, for those sans graphics program/are lazy/at work/whatever. Easy!

(If I get enough, I'll make a separate post. DO IT.)

fandom, love

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