Wheee, I feel like posting, so I think I'm gonna. This is great, guys! Three weeks before finals, perfect time for a LIVEJOURNAL RENAISSANCE.
I have several items of import! FIRSTLY: This summer I am packing myself off to Washington D.C. to do office work because obviously, doing office work on the West Coast just wasn't cutting it. W/e, w/e, at least this way I am, um, seeing the nation's capital. The important thing is that I have no clue what to do for housing, and the internship is unpaid, so I am pretty much just scouring the internet for the cheapest, least sketchy options. Guys, everyone tells me to rent a dorm from one of the million universities in D.C. BUT I ACTUALLY THINK THAT THIS IS THE BEST, MOST SUCCESSFUL SCAM EVER, OKAY, BECAUSE THOSE PRICES ARE FUCKING INSANE. It's smart, I'll give it that much. Who expects to find cold-blooded corporate profit-mongering within halls of our vaunted higher education system? Not me, hahah. Ha. ha.
Basically, that was a needlessly long-winded way to ask if any of you guys have tips for navigating the scary rental housing market in DC! I don't think any of you are from D.C... But if you have any tips, please share! I am this close to bunking down in a nice, cozy cardboard box, seriously.
Thing the second! This should go behind a cut, because probably nobody really wants to see a close-up of my ass.
That is a blurry picture of, uh, my butt. The important part here, the thing to focus on, are my jeans. There is a gigantic rip right under my buttocks, and you can see some blue stitches where I started, half-heartedly, trying to sew it closed. Before wimping out. SO I NEED SOME ADVICE. Is this acceptable to wear out in semi-polite society? It's just that I reeeeally don't want to throw this pair of jeans away. They're so soft! They actually fit me, which happens pretty much once in a blue moon.
I mean, okay. There are rips all over this thing, so I figure I don't have much time before it completely falls off me, anyway, and the decision is made for me. IN WHICH CASE, what stores would you suggest for jeans that are comfortable, fit well, and won't break the bank? I feel like that is the holy trifecta of jeans, so, probably impossible. But still! Any suggestions? Please?
Also I just spent a really embarrassing amount of time trying to find an angle where my webcam could capture my ass while I could still click the "capture" button with my hand. LET US JUST SAY THAT I AM MORE FLEXIBLE THAN PREVIOUSLY SUSPECTED.
Anyway, thing the third! I have seriously been jonesing for some robot AUs in the TSN fandom! IT IS SO PERFECT, okay, everyone jokes about Mark being a robot ANYWAY, is all I'm saying. THERE IS A HUGE VOID HERE WHICH NEEDS TO BE FILLED. Just think about it for a moment. Mark being a complete fail at human interactions! He's actually justified this time! Wardo forcing him to go to regular tune-ups and shit, and Mark would be all, "m'fine, Wardo, and I'm a robot anyway, so they could just build another model if something happens" and Wardo making puppyeyes until Mark gives in. And Mark gradually beginning to have FEELINGS, okay.
His system skips slightly when Wardo smiles at him! Why do the sensors in his shoulder seem to start misfiring when Wardo lays his hand on it? Why is it so easy for Mark's voice recognition programs to pick up Wardo from a thousand feet away when other people barely even register for him? Mark is so confused! Clearly there is something wrong with his programming! And then he tries to fix himself, but NOTHING WORKS.
Ahhhh, okay, I am just enamored by this idea. Seriously needs to be written. :D? :D?