MASTERPOST: How to Survive a Recession

Nov 08, 2009 14:02

Holy shit, how did I manage to write something that needed a masterpost in the middle of the school year? Oh, right. My unending drive for procrastination. \o/

This has pretty much been my baby for the past four months, and you can't see me, but I'm wibbling a little bit as I send it out into the cruel world. Really, I am. *wibbles*

How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse Recession
Wordcount: 42,000
Pairing: Brendon/Spencer, (background William/Gabe, Cash/Singer, Frank/Gerard, Pete/Patrick/Ashlee)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: You know how Love Actually is pretty much the schmoopiest, most feel-good of all romantic comedies? Yeah, this is kind of like that level of schmoopiness, only worse. /o\
Summary: Office AU. Island Electronics is going down in a blaze of glory, just one more company that's fallen victim to the ruthless recession. Receptionist Spencer Smith and coworker Brendon Urie fight to save the company (and their incomes) as all around them, their compatriots succumb to the wrath of the fearsome Pink Slips.
Unofficial Summary: Really, this story just boils down to three things: stealth!closet-sex, pining, and ~conspiracy theories. Also, Star Wars.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Epilogue

Thanks to: chaoticallyclev, my darling LJ-wife who patiently read through this 73-page monster over and over and helped me correct my outrageous sins in voicing and sentence flow. Also to redorchids, who was so amazing in helping me sort out the plot of this story, reading my multiple drafts, giving me suggestions, and most importantly, never giving up on my plotholes. A thousand ♥s to both of you.

bandom, fic, panic at the disco

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