Why the hell are a bunch of twats with way too much time on their hands all up in arms because they are not allowed to have icons showing them breastfeeding? Who wants to see pics of women breastfeeding? Seriously. If you want to show everyone what an uber-fabulous mother you are by having your kid use your breasts for what they are designed to do - post pics in
breastfeeding or
boob_nazis or something. Show people who care... Don't clutter up my reading pleasure with pictures of your kid with its mouth full.
And yes, I'm a breastfeeding mother. I don't find the pictures cute or sweet or adorable, if they're behind an lj cut, I can avoid them. If they're a user pic, I cannot.
And hey, I do realise the irony of posting in my journal about how much I don't give a rats ring about the whole kerfuffle! And if it makes some self-obsessed drama queens go and play somewhere else... IT IS ALL GOOD.