i'm like an alley cat, drink the milk up i want more.

Aug 04, 2004 18:18

Last night was a total blast. Missa, my mom, and I went to the Crystal Mall. I had 250 dollars and I had so much fun spending it. lol. I got 1 pair of regular tilt jeans, 1 pair of guys jeans (witch I'm in love with,) a black volcom jacket, a plain gray t-shirt, a plain black t-shirt, a fishnet pink shirt, a white black and pink sex pistols shirt (to go over the pink fishnet shirt,) a red plaid skirt, 2 belts, 2 piars of really adorable earings, hair bands, braclets,and a new straightener. Oh yea and 3 new dresses!

After shopping we went to Olive Garden. I was so stoked. I have been dyeing to go there forever. We had to wait for like an hour and I'm surprized my mom did, because she is so not a waiting person. When we got seated though, everything went really fast and I got fettichini alfredo with chicken. It was delicious! When we were leaveing a lady bumped into us and she said excuse me sir. Me and Missa were cracking up the whole way out of the place, everyone was staring at us and there was mud in front of me and Missa tried to warn me about it but I stepped right in it. It was so funny! We couln't stop laughing.

I feel so lucky to have such amazing friends. It makes me feel so wonderful that all these people that I hang out with are my friends. Its great that my friends are so spontanious and outgoing and mature. We have so much fun and we barely ever stop laughing. We run around and make foold of ourselves, play dress up like idiots, walk around town. Gawd, I wouldn't trade my group of friends for the world, you guys kick ass!

Kyrsten-You are deffinatly one of the coolest people I've ever been best friends with. I know we are going to be best friends for a long time and I can't wait till you get back from Arizona so we can go shopping and sleep over each others house's every night and just be crazy like always. Its gonna be even better when you get back, I can already tell. You're my best friend for life and nothing can come between that. I love how you're so easygoing and fun. We've had so many good times and you've only been here for 7 months. Imagine how many more good times we'll have in the future. I would put all our inside jokes in here because i know we have them but i can't remember. lol. I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU SO MUCH!

Vinny- You're so much more to me then just a boyfriend. You're my best friend. I know I can tell you anything and you'd listen and understand, you always do. You stuck by me in really hard times and you always make me feel better when I'm down. You are by far one of the funnest persons I've ever met. You're a blast to hang out with and I can't wait untill you come back from Florida. I miss you, we all do, because you're just so cool and shut up, you know it! I love you baby!

Missa- Hello Sir. lol. Wow, we've had some crazy good times, and we prolly could have had alot more if I didn't ditch you a dozen times. Sorry about that. You are so fun and rebelious and I feel like you and me really understand each other. We're two of a kind and it rocks to know that I have someone to mosh and rebel with when I'm not such a prep. You're my punk rock princess darling and I love you. Insiders: Cupcake, pant fighting, smores, the sims, clown baby, randy wishing he was clown baby, anything with the digital, my mom joining you're family, Mrs.Ray, Puerto Rican mami, takeing pics of us for the cops? and jeez many more!

Nicki- What can I say, you're my little sis. You and me, gawd, what a team. You're the only one that will dress up like a man, piss our pants and rap outside in the cold with me, and that says something. We have some fun times, good insiders, and a few heart to hearts, but what are lil sis's for ya know? Insiders: piiiiiizzza, porfins and seals, elevator game, the blair witch, cyclone, harry man, spice girls, getting lost, giant swings! you know the rest.

Caitlon- You know me inside and out, you've helped me through so much shyt its unbelivable. You're my shoulder to cry on, and now I'm yours. I'm glad you finally understand, but I'm worried about you so be careful! If I never met you I don't think I'd be alive right now. Seriously. I can honestly say I've never laughed as hard or as long with anyone else. You and me are meant for each other. We've made it past you're mom we can make it past everything. You mean so much to me and i've never got closer to being a lesbian then with you. lol. I love you more then life. I'd do anything for you. Just ask. I would put all our inside jokes but there are way too many to even pick out the good ones

Jake, Josh, Mike T., Mike R.- You guys are my new friends. You're all so rad, and so fun to hang out with. I love hanging out with you guys. We laugh so hard and you're all a bunch of fucking dumbasses I love it! I don't Denny's will ever be the same again, pegs have become my new form of transportation, I'm now supposed to be afraid of moles?, and i have a bruise on my left thigh, and its all thanks to you! You kick ass!
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