(no subject)

Dec 13, 2002 20:08

I kind of didnt know someone still read my private journals lol..... *trouble*.

I am still grounded and this sucks....but spending all this time at home gives me time to kiss up and get on their good side.

I am still trying to decide on what my feelings are about a certain issue. In TIME (bad four letter word), It will be evident.

BLah Blah BLah.

This week was weird not going to church almost every day of the week.

I need to confront my parents about getting my license. GRRRRRRRRRR

I have a lot of work to do tomorrow.....then I will probably read the rest of the day......ANYONE feel free to stop by and visit...... bigger *HINT HINT*

sooo bored.....and I know everyone is having fun at Kylene's house because geoffs special day is today...

so here I am, all alone....at home......on the lame computer.....with nothing to do.....just thinking about stuff, and people......bored.....still bored..did I mention that I am bored.....yeah well I am....still....bored.....because I am all alone....bored....doing nothing....thats why I am bored....

I wanna worship right now.....SO i am going to.....byebye..

God bless.

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