Aug 12, 2002 08:52
I serve a big God. The biggest in fact, the only true God. I've prayed to Him to expand my vision, to take in more of who He is, What He wants me to be doing for Him. I want to be like Moses and see Him walk by, to be transformed in a glimpse and pushed past what I am by who He is. I want Him to fill the dephs of who I am with His presense. I've become numbto all my former hopes and dreams, the things I once strove for are now rendered meanigless. Only His two commandments are left in me. Love The Lord your God with all your heart mind and soul, and love you neighbor as yourself. Ah but when you really don't love yourself it kin of puts a crimp in the works. see often times I can't stand me. I don't like how I look And I seem to irritate people. So I guess I'm going to fall on the first part of those two commandments, and trust Him to fix what's wrong with me. I can't seem to.