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Jul 29, 2002 09:24

Yesterdaywas finllytaken off the shelf. It felt good to be in motion, with God's hand on me, puttng me to use again. I'd forgotten how good it felt. I don't have near the time it would take to describe ysterday, great good happened, along side the rumblings of the coming battle. I observed His great hand setting up the pieces of a new game, the chess match of the ages begins anew. I learned to be faithful in the small things lately, for the imsignifigant things, actualy have powerful effects. Split the atom, destroy the world or power it, alter a strand of DNA and change the creature for better or worse. Tiny movings in the dark heart of the Earth birth Earthquakes,ans shift whole continents on their foundations, Tiny thoughts in the back of your mind change your life. In the quite, in the obscure and hidden places are where changes are grown. I disdained my small position in life, but, no more. It's a position of honor, And to Jesus goes the Glory. One Life, His, changed eternity. Praise God .
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