Hi everyone.
You know how sometimes things gets delayed and delayed and then you feel bad about that, say nothing in fear, and even more time passes? That's how I feel about this community. I feel bad for not posting a notice that I was out of the country from February to June. And I feel so guilty about all the remaining requests that are SO outdated now that I don't know why any of you would want them anymore. If you do, please correct me. I'm especially sorry to
chrissykauai, who's been the active request since January.
I think it's really just best for me to put this community on hiatus. Requests are now closed; if you didn't receive a number but submitted a request check the list to see your number
here. I just updated it today. It goes from 116-128. I'll complete all remaining requests (that are still desired) by the end of July, and that's a promise.
If I do reopen PS, I'll probably only open up requests for limited times. I'd also like to offer more icons already made. I think I've only done that once.
My passion for this community disappeared surprisingly quickly. I'm really happy with a lot of the stuff I've done for people but ultimately I've done more of a disservice for you than the contrary. And again I apologize.