Zombie Apocolypse. It Could Happen To YOU!.

Oct 13, 2010 21:31

So Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving is in October up in Canada) was it's usual complex network of good and bad feelings. Stressful, eugh, you have no idea. Almost everyone in my family managed to at lesat slightly annoy me. But I guess that's inevitable when you have so many.....unique....people at one table, let alone in the same small house.
My brother's bed sucked. Everytime I sleep there (if you can call it sleep....) I wake up with a headache, a sore neck, and a bad temper. So I'm pretty sleep-deprived.
Dad hasn't seen Zoe, the siamese cat, for a few days. Usually she comes home at night to sleep for a bit, get cuddles from my Dad, and eat. She just hasn't been home for 5 days....I hope she's just out on a trip, and will come back. She's the most beautiful cat in the world.

It was really nice to see my Dad though. He's got his business stuff figured out, and he's FINALLY settling it so that HE gets benefits. I mean, all his workers get the benefits of it too, so that's good cause for the most part they're guys who need a break. I'm just glad Dad get's his break too, he deserves it.

Tashy wore a really pretty dress. It looked so good on her! I wish I had gotten a picture. It's the kind of dress I would want to wear with my white leopard print booties, but I know that probably wouldn't look good. ^_^;'
Mum looked great too! She looked really happy and I was able to communicate about minor conflict that could make things between us a bit easier. It was really good to see her; I'll be sad to see her go in November. I'm pretty sure I like Phillip, now that I've met him a bunch of times. He's got a very genuine smile, and he smiles at Mum often, which is great.

So that's the, uh, Thanksgiving update, I guess.

Now for something different.
What would YOU do in the event of a Zombie apocolypse?
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