So my birthday was really good. I'm 21 now! Woohoo! I'm legal to drink and gamble everywhere now.
Meggy and I went swimmmmmming. It was superfun. I sat in the sauna, and in the steamroom, and I marinated in the hottub, oooooh it was so good. And Meg went off a higher diving board than usual! Yay!
Ooooooh and my darling got me the nicest pair of shoes. OH MY GOD SHOES. I LOVE SHOES.
These shoes: They're gorgeous. I'm going to wear them all summer! I'm pretty pleased that I have the perfect dress to go with them.
Excuse my little fashion twink moment.
Ohmigod I ate so much junkfood over my birthday weekend. Like chocolate covered graham bits, jellybeans, all manner of horrible things. Mrrrrr. So good then, so bad now....